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"Now, time for the big event guys! We're about to welcome on your jungle winner for 2019, she overcame all her fears and won the most stars out of any campmate this year, shes your jungle queen 2019, Belle Hope!" Adam reads from the queue cards then introduces me, I walk in with the crown still on my head and the stick in my hand. Everyone had stood up to welcome me, some even going as far as to bow. I walked in and walked over to Roman and Andy who were in the interviewing area, I hugged the boys then turned to hug Adam, Joel and Emily. Before sitting down I waved to my campmates, Myles sent me a wink and I smiled making eye contact with him as I sat down on my throne. Joel handed me a strawberry mojito and I squealed with joy. I made eye contact with Lucas from the side of the studio, he was smiling just as wide too!

"You are the winner of I'm a celebrity 2019, how does it feel?" Joel asked,

"Not quite sunk in yet, but I dont think I want it too. Im on such a buzz right now, I'm over the moon!"

"Did you ever think when you went in there you would be coming out with the crown?" Joel asked,

"Absolutely not, most people dont really take what I do seriously, meaning they dont take me seriously. So I was so certain I'd be the first out, didn't I say i'd be the first!?" I asked Myles, 

"She did say that! I told her she wouldn't, look who was right!" He replied, We both laughed.

"But, when your in there with the likes of Caitlyn Jenner, and Ian Wright. Thats what makes this whole winning thing so so so bizarre!" I laughed to the presenters.

"You really Jelled as a group, like you really did. And like, in previous years its obvious that the group will split off into little segments, but thats not been the case this year. You've all just been together," 

"Yeah," I nodded "We really were just one big group, and I think thats what made it so hard to see people go,"

"We just watched your final trial, do you think that was the toughest one yet?" 

"Most definitely," I shook my head, "They didnt tell me about the last bit, with the spider, until it came out, I was already chained up." 

"I knew, I knew, when everything was coming in, I knew." Emily sympathised. "What was it like having it in the mouth, was it like furry and wriggly?" She asked,

"I lowkey think it weed in my mouth. I felt dripping." 

Everyone in the studio screamed.

"You won the most stars out of any one of the campmates!" Joel revealed,

"Did I?" I asked, genuinely shocked, 

We ended the show by watching the best bits of extra camp, 

"What an amazing series its been guys, please give it up for your jungle campmates and of course, your jungle winner, Belle!" We all clapped, cheered and celebrated. The producers yelled cut, signalling we were off the air. This causing some campmates to cheer louder, but I ran straight to Myles, and he ran to me. 

We met and our lips collided. It felt like the first time all over again, except this time we didn't have to check who was around first. We just kissed. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared that after the series it would all just go back to how it used to be. Maybe I thought it would all change, maybe Myles only wanted something while we were in there. Or maybe I just wouldn't feel the same once we got out. But thankfully, that wasn't the case. Thankfully, I still felt just as attracted to him as before. Maybe even more. Definitely more. 

"You did it, Queen Belle." He smiled.

"I looked at the moon every night," I whispered,

"As did I."

selcouth; MYLES STEPHENSON IM A CELEB 2019Where stories live. Discover now