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It was raining all night last night and my hammock was soaked, so James offered me his bed. I woke up the next morning and waved to him. He kindly slept on the floor, which I felt terrible about, but there's no arguing or discussing with James, It's his way or no way.

"Good morning Mylo!" James announced, 

"Good morning brothers," He replied, everyone else in the camp offered there good mornings,

"Good morning Myles," Kate greeted, 

"Good morning my darling," He replied, I sat up on my elbows and watched Myles greet Kate. I felt my face morph into a confused expression, but I quickly disregarded it as just playful banter.

"Shes my darling actually," Ian shot back,

"Actually I think you'll find shes my darling" James returned,

I followed Nadine up to the shower in my bikini, Kate and Caitlyn also joined us up there. 

"Do you think you feel good at 70 because you've done so much fitness throughout your life?" Kate asked Caitlyn, she nodded.

"I put it this way, are you ready?" Caitlyn teased, "What I've got leftover is more than most people ever had," 

"The good news is, none of you are leaving camp today," Dec announced, I heard about 4 people let out a sigh of relief, myself included. "The bad news is the public have been voting for the next bushtucker trial, this one is called Hellevator.

"So, in no particular order," Ant began and followed the same structure we all grew so aware of. He started with Myles, we've all worked out now that its never the first 3 people, most usually the 4th or 5th. Then It'll be the last person, So I knew Myles was safe. "Its not you," Shocker!

"Belle," Dec said. "Its not you," I smiled, holding my hand on my heart, aware the cameras would be on me at this point, sending a message home.

"The person facing Hellevator is.." Dec paused, "Ian." 

Ian had left to complete the trial, Nadine, Kate and I were down by the gas on the rocks, sunbathing. 

"This'll be the hardest thing to leave behind when we go home, cause its the only thing we cant bring with us," I said

"Whats that darling?" Kate asked,

"The sun," I answered, she laughed

"Thats true, gosh its gonna be freezing over there,"

"I'm excited for Christmas though!" I said,

"Oh Christmas is so magical in my house!" Nadine boasts, 

"This is where they're hiding!" Roman burst through, we all sat up on our elbows, 

"Should've known!" Myles rolls his eyes bursting in,

"Oh look, Its Tweedledum and Tweedledee," Kate rolled her eyes, we all squidged up to offer them a space on the rock. They perched themselves on the edge, Myles sitting particularly close to me. 

"Whats Christmas like at your house Belle?" Nadine asked after explaining her Christmas routine,

"Very Chill, Just me and my family, my brothers and sisters open their gifts from Santa, then we eat, just chill." I smile at the thought Christmas was approaching. 

"How many siblings do you have?" Roman asks, 

"I have my older brother, and then I have a twin brother and sister who are seven," 

"So your like, the second oldest?" He asks, I nod,

"But I was raised as the youngest, cause the younger ones weren't born until I was fifteen." I turned my head to see Myles eyes looking at me with such intent. He looked really invested into what I was saying, almost like he enjoyed hearing about me and my life. Which was really nice to see. I smiled, and he smiled back.

"Here he is," Cliff announced,

"Hows it looking?" James said, 

I sat next to Nadine and prepared for the worst because if he hasn't done well, then he's gonna be in a right grumpy mood. 

"7 stars I got," He said. We all cheered, and congratulated him.

selcouth; MYLES STEPHENSON IM A CELEB 2019Where stories live. Discover now