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We said our goodbyes, before heading to the trial. Myles and I didn't hug goodbye, which isn't like us at all. We always hug before anything, today I just simply said goodbye to the group and left. Scared of how to approach Myles.

We really had to work on this. 

I followed behind Roman, he held the leaves back for me in the trial clearing, so that they didn't hit my face. I smiled a thank you, and did the same for Nadine. 

We were welcomed by Ant and Dec who stood ready for us, they then began to explain the task,

"Over the next two days you will be taking part in a series of reckonings which will enable you to hopefully lift that curse," 

"The four of you have been voted by the public to take part in the first reckoning, which will allow two of you to lift your curse, and eat tonight," Dec announced I looked up to Roman in shock, only two? "So it's every campmate for themselves in this one."

"Do you want to know what this trial entails?" 

"Yeah, please," Ian spoke

"This is sinister circus," We turned around to see what was behind us, four tanks lined up, with a platform on top. On top of that platform stood a ranger with a clown mask on,

"I hate clowns," I whispered, Roman rubbed my back encouragingly, then whispered,
"He'll be the least of your worries soon don't worry," 

"The aim of this trial is to get out of your escapologist tank as quickly as possible," He spoke, I turned around to look at the tank again, this time taking note of just how small the space is, 

"You'll start the trial, shackled within the tank," Dec spoke, Ant took over,

"Now first you have to free yourself from the shackle using the ten keys tyed to the ladder, only one of those keys will undo the lock, next you need to unlock the four combination padlocks on the grid at the top."

"The codes you need are stuck to the bottom of the tanks there on the reverse of those black plaques," Dec pointed "So you're going to have to dive down memorise the codes get back up and try them on the locks."

"Now the first two celebrities to get out and ring their bells will be eating tonight, the two losing celebrities will still be cursed."

"And as you can see, your not going to be alone" Dec pointed towards the eels swimming around the tank, aswell as the crabs.

"What do you think, are you all up for this one?" Dec asked, 

"I hate the idea of being underwater in this one, but im up for it." I sighed,

"Lets get you in" 

We all began to climb down the ladders into the tank as instructed and stood halfway. One thing I noticed was how freezing cold the water was. 

The claxon sounded and we began searching the keys to find which one would fit our chains on our wrist.

I tried each key, getting nowhere until I tried my 5th one, it slotted in and I unlocked the chain. So did Nadine apparently as Dec announced, "Belle and Nadine are both unlocked!" This now meant we had to dive under to find the codes for each lock, this was the part I was not looking forward to, I looked beneath me, there was 3 baby crocodiles, 3 water snakes, eels, crabs, why would anyone wanna go down there?

I took a deep breath and held my nose as I reluctantly dived under, I used the ladder to get me down, and also to get back up speedily, not wanting to spend any more time under there than what I had to.

I got the first numbers, I heard from beside me "Where is this key man?" from Roman, clearly still stuck on the first task.

Ian and Roman soon finished unlocking their chains, this really meant I had to get a move on, because it was all equal grounds right now.

"How you doing Belle?" Ant asked me,

"I think I got the number wrong," I replied, before heading back down the ladder. Roman was now ahead, being the only one to have a lock off. He then quickly announced his second one was off, and Nadine followed close behind. Leaving me and Ian behind, not having any unlocked,

"That's another one for Roman," Ant announced, meaning he now had 3 out of 4 locks unlocked.

I finally got my first one off, dropping it to the bottom of the tank and announcing it to Ant and Dec, before heading down to try my next code,

Roman announced, "Come on guys you got this, okay?" before ringing his bell, meaning only one more place was available to become uncursed,

We kept going, I unlocked another lock, but from the corner of my eye, I saw Nadine leaving her tank. I practically gave up at this point and waited to hear the sound of Nadine ringing her bell. Meaning myself and Ian were still cursed, however Nadine and Roman were free.

The rangers got us out of our tanks, Nadine gave me a hug before we made our way down to Ant and Dec,

"Well done to our winners, Nadine and Roman, your curse will be lifted and you will be eating tonight,"

"I'm just gutted for the other guys," Roman frowned,

"So am I," Nadine agreed, "Its like your happy but your not happy," I rubbed her back as a thank you

"I love rice and beans!" I announced,

"Belle, you started so well!" Dec commented, 

"The first time I mixed a 3 with an 8, very similar underwater!" I rolled my eyes and laughed, unfazed by the task,  I have more pressing issues on my mind. This was quite fun.

"You can all head back to camp, try and enjoy the rest of your day!" 

We all said our goodbyes, and left-back for camp.

"Oh, you're back!" Kate announced, "How was it?" 

I walked behind Nadine, and infront of Ian, so the two uncursed campmates entered first, whilst Wrighty and I were able to sneak in, leaving Roman and Nadine to explain the task.

Its pretty obvious now, you're going to have 6 people eating rice and beans, and 6 people eating good. 

selcouth; MYLES STEPHENSON IM A CELEB 2019Where stories live. Discover now