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Myles p.o.v

"ooo theres a note," Kate acknowledged, 


Today you will face a series of challenges in order to win Care Packages from home.

Scattered across the Australian bush are 12 care packages - One for each celebrity

Each of you are responsible for 3 Care Packages and it is up to you to decide whose care packages you play for.

You have two hours to retrieve as many Care Packages as you can, Any Care packages not retrieved when the time runs out will be lost, so every second counts.

Everything you need is infront of you.

Your time starts now.

We made our way to the first post. There was a message on it so I read it out. 

"Celebrities, welcome to the first challenge, where each of you will have to go over the edge. Suspended high above the jungle floor are the first four care packages, to retrieve each care package you will play in pairs. One of you will be lowered over the edge, while the other will control their partner's descent."

"I'll play for Adeles," Nadine speaks,
"I'll take James cause i wanted to give him things and he doesnt wanna take them, maybe this time he will take them." Kate laughs
"I'll play for Ian." Andy says,

"Im gonna play for Belle." I spoke

We got harnessed up by producers, this included helmets, and suspension kits.

The girls completed their go, and then it was up to me and Andy.

"Lets go Andy-Pandy!" I chuckled,

I held the ropes as tight as possible, to support his body weight as he declined in search for Ians package. He got the package, and I got him down as quick as possible.

Then it was my go, for my Belle.

I lent backwards off the side of the cliff, shouting instructions such as 'more rope' or 'little to the left'

I reached out and leant as far across as possible, I grabbed onto the parcel and pulled it off the rope.

As I reached the ground I took the parcel and planted a kiss on it, "This is for my Belle!" I announced, we all cheered.

selcouth; MYLES STEPHENSON IM A CELEB 2019Where stories live. Discover now