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"This is definitely the hardest thing ive ever had to do," I spoke to Nadine and Caitlyn,
"Really?" Caitlyn replied
"I've just realised I really care about what other people think of me," I admitted, "Like I'll look at everything and wonder what people are saying about me. I look for the bad stuff basically," 
"Your looking to torture yourself," Nadine shook her head

"After you came back and you were just so happy, you reminded me of Kylie." Caitlyn laughed
"Really!?" I squawked "Why?"
"Enthusiastic, you know we're doing this, that was fun. wow wow wow!"

How cool is that?! So basically Caitlyn Jenner, just casually mentioned 'Oh you reminded me of Kylie' 
Winning at life here mate.

She always looks out for me Caitlyn, she always notices when I'm down she notices when I need picking up and shes just really, really, really, an amazing person. 

3rd person p.o.v

"Who claims their first celebrity crush was Justin Timberlake?" Roman asks Kate. The duo were completing a dingo dollar challenge, in hopes of winning some chocolate. The rules were, you get given a statement about one of the campmates, you then sit infront of their corresponding letter, either A, B, or C. 

"Was it A, Nadine. B, Adele. Or C, Belle?" 

The duo discussed for a minute before Kate sat in front of C. Powdered paint was fired at her, and that added 10 dollars to their dingo dollar total. 

"Who has a lifesize cardboard cutout of Harry Styles in their bedroom?" Kate asked Roman, "Is it A, Andrew B, Belle or C, Caitlyn?" 
"Gotta be Belle, 1000%!" Roman said and sat in front of B."  


Belles p.o.v


"Phone!" I announced excitedly, Andy raced up quickly to answer it. 

"What percentage of adults do not trust politicians?" Andy repeated. "A, 59% or B, 79%" 

I sighed, not having a clue. 

"I'm going for B, high all day long!" Adele spoke, 

"I don't agree, if it was 79% we wouldn't have democracy at all." Andrew challenged,

"Its general politicians though, not just one specific one," Adele said

"No one trusts politicians," I added,

"But is it so insanely high?" Andrew asked,

"Put your hand up for A," James instructed, Nadine, Caitlyn and Andrew put their hands up. 

"Put your hand up for B," James instructed, the remaining campmates raised their hands. "Lets go for B"

We waited for Roman and Kate to return, either with or without the treat. 

"Oi oi!" I signalled towards an approaching Kate and Roman,

"What did you answer?" 

"79," Cliff replied

"YAaayyy!" Roman raised the plate above his head! A very purple Kate and a very orange Roman appeared and began to cheer. 

"What have we got?" Ian asked,

"There was no chocolate on offer, so we went with Jelly beans." 

Roman brought the bowl round, one by one. I went for the red strawberry one. 

"Wait, so what did you actually have to do? And why do you look like that." 

Roman went on to explain the challenge, "We actually found out some very interesting things..." He winked towards the whole group,

"Oh nooo!" Caitlyn announced,

"Like the fact, Belle has a lifesize cardboard cutout of Harry Styles?" Kate looked towards me. My jaw dropped and I laughed. 

"It was a secret Santa gift one year, and he just sorta stands there." I laugh

"Here we go!" Roman announced as the basket was dropped into the camp. Camp leader James read the note,

"Celebrities, as a result of Ian and Belle winning 12 stars, you have eel." My face grimaced,

We're all really hungry... and its, an...eel 

"Don't worry Belle, I will make this the best eel you have ever tasted," Chef Myles told me.
"Make it so good I never have to eat it again." I frowned, him pulling me into his side and putting his hand over my shoulder.

I left to let Myles and Nadine start cooking. I sat down and looked to my left to see a sleeping Cliff, 
"I knew it'd catch up to him" I laughed, James laughing aswell.

I held my bowl out for Myles, "Thank you babe"
"Ha, you've come alive." said James as Cliff woke up
"That smells good!" he smiles

Not too long after, Andy and Kate entered the camp, bearing news. 

"Celebrities, tomorrow you will all have the opportunity to win home comforts, Andy, Kate, Myles and Nadine, we are all traveling into the australian bush on a mission to win twelve care packages. The rest of you will take part in a live trial..."

"You're joking me." I interrupted Kate,

"Where you will have the opportunity to win up to twelve stars, only those celebrities with a star next to their name at the end of the live trial will be allowed to visit the jungle dining room where they will be served a roast dinner,"  Kate finished "So it is up to us to decide the order in which the stars are allocated."

Its really difficult and its always going to get very heated at things like that because everyone has their own opinions.

"I think James should be near the top" Said Andy, James dissaproved

"Lets go with the girls first," Said Myles

We pretty much went with Adele, and then me and Nadine, all the girls basically.

"Who next?" Someone asked,

"Cliff and Andy, bosh." Said Myles

"No no no no, put me at the bottom," Said Cliff

"Put Myles next." I said

"James, then Myles." Andy added

I grabbed Myles hand and pulled him closer so I could whisper something in his ear, "I think we should put Caitlyn up higher, shes been doing the washing at 70 all the time, shes a 70 year old woman."
"Should we do it now?" He turned so he was just inches away from my face. I nodded, he took my hand and we walked towards the board, moving Caitlyn from her place, 5th, to mine, 2nd. 
We left the board, unsuspiciously. We fist-bumped and Myles whispered, "Like nothing ever happened." 
"Smooth criminals."

selcouth; MYLES STEPHENSON IM A CELEB 2019Where stories live. Discover now