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"Right, okay ladies and gentlemen, we will now be transferred to the sheriff's office in ol' dingo town - please get ready to leave the jailhouse, immediately!" Kate read from the notice.

Regardless of what this is, I'm getting out the jail for a bit - so I'll embrace this experience with open arms. 

I got myself ready to leave, Myles made his way over to me with both hands in the air, I high-fived them and he clung onto them, disallowing them to drop back down

"We got this beautiful" He smiled

"We're gonna smash it!" I spoke to the camera outside the trial, looking around at those around me, 

"We're gonna absolutely go for it!" Kate added, everyone voicing their agreement in return.

They lined us up behind some metal bars, clearly representing a jailhouse. I stood between Myles and Kate

The main camp slowly trailed in, their eyes lighting up once they noticed us, some of them even being kind enough to offer a wave,

Ant and Dec explained the rules, explaining that campmates from the main camp were going to hold a live critter in their mouths, and that each time the main camp win 3 stars, they get to release on of the outlaws (us) from the jailhouse early

"Okay, good luck everybody - its time for round one, before we get going, Outlaws, its time you had some company in there!" Ant spoke,
"Yeah!" Caitlyn exclaimed
"Nooo!" I announced,

Suddenly, with no time to think, a variety of creepy crawlies was dropped from above on to us, I shook my whole body to get as many off as possible, everyone else doing the same.

First up was Adele, with some weird bug sticky thing. I honestly wasn't paying attention.

She stormed through it, like the machine she is! and before we knew it we were counting down from 5 and she was done, winning us our first star.

Suddenly, without any warning, another shower of bugs hit us. My hands met my ears to block any cockroaches or mealworms entering them and my head dipped. Each of us screamed.

Next up Ian had to hold 6 witchety grubs in his mouth, he was not happy. His time started and again, before we knew it it was finished.

I applauded him, but quickly ducked my head awaiting the arrival of another shower of bugs.

Next, Cliff had to hold beach worms in his mouth, if he completed this one of us would be free from this hell of a cell. 

"Can I eat them?" He said, 

He appeared unfazed, with a visage as if he was feasting on spaghetti. 






And he was done, He chose to save Kate. She made her way out the cell, and I moved up to stand between Andy and Myles now,

Another shower, "They're going down my shirt" I winged
"Not long now gorgeous," Myles emphasized

Next, Caitlyn had to hold a yabby
Then Nadine had to hold some cockroaches
During the interval, of Caitlyn and Nadine, a load of green ants began raining on our parade, they slowly made their way down our shirts and up to our legs, sending bites that feel like electric shocks all over the body
Myles offered words of support from beside me to Nadine, she finished and spit all of the critters out.

Then suddenly a load of bugs were dropped on me alone, 
"I got you, I got you," Myles was quick to hop into action, helping me to rid of all the unwanted guests all over me right now. 
"I don't like this Mylo" I whispered with a frown,
"None of us does, but it'll be done soon, I promise you!" 

I looked up when the main camp was counting down from 5 again, this meant James had secured our 6th star.
Thankfully, he chose to save me, I quickly traced my hand over Myles as I turned to leave.
As I left I was greeted with volumes of cheer, and I ran to be embraced by Nadine,
"God I've missed you!" She exclaimed into the hug

Kate quickly pulled me to the back and helped me de-bug

We swiftly finished the trial, securing all 8 possible stars for the first half of the trial,

"For this part of the trial if your name is pulled out of the hat you'll be required to eat one of the finest delicacies old dingo town has to offer,"

The first dish was cows eyes, a total of two stars were up for grabs, by Caitlyn and James

James secured the ninth star, meaning he could free the next jailbird, he chose Myles, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 

He made his way over to the group, saying hello to those he passes, but eventually made his way over to me,
I took the goggles from his hands and dropped them on the floor, and helped him to debug, meanwhile, in the background, Caitlyn was eating the second cow's eye,
"I think that's them all," I told
He then placed his right arm over my shoulder as we turned to face the trial, holding me close and holding me securely and safely. I placed my arm on his lower back and put my head on his chest

The rest of the trial passed in a breeze, I put that down to being in Myles grasp, I could spend all day here but of course, I'm pulled away by the end of the trial, when we headed back to the main camp. I was quickly pulled away by Nadine,

"Girl I feel like a schoolgirl who hasn't seen her bestie over half term!" She giggled
"Its been a while!" I speak back
"You need to fill me in because I know somethings gone down since you've been gone!" She gestured to Myles, who was walking and talking with Roman

(A/N - Apologies for being so quiet! I've been a bit ill but im better now and ready to supply you all with the best Myles x Belle content on the runup to christmas!) 

selcouth; MYLES STEPHENSON IM A CELEB 2019Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя