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"Celebrities, You have emu rump, sorrel, samphire, and pimientos" James belted,

what the fuck?

I've honestly never heard of any of that.

I know absolutely nothing about cooking,  I can hardly make pasta - so that says a lot about my days at uni, doesn't it? So I stayed further back whilst the cooking was happening.

We stir-fried the emu and just threw whatever the other stuff was into the pan, and it was DELICIOUS!

Myles p.o.v

 I followed the leader down the trail, lamp in one hand. 


Welcome to Stick Your Oar In

Tonight, you have the chance to win luxury items for you and your campmates in snake rock

In front of you are 10 luxury items, one for each celebrity

Your job is to get each item from the wheel to the basket

However, you can only use the oars

You will win each luxury item that reaches the basket

Good luck! 

 What a responsibility. 

We played for Nadines first, we got the package as far as Nadine, until it dropped.

We watched as it fell to the bottom. The heartbreaking reality that she lost her package hit me, 

I volunteered to try my luxury item next. It was a disposable camera. I thought why not make a few memories in the jungle, you know? 

We did quite well, we got it to my oar. Then it slipped.

I watched it sink and bubble straight down into the creek.

Next was Kate Garraway's concealer. This one we managed to secure. 

Next was Adele, A framed photo of Jane McDonald...

Well... we got 'Jane in the Jungle.'

Next up was Roman, it was clear how much he valued his luxury item. But unfortunately we watched it drop into the swamp aswell.

Then we began playing for Snake rock. 

First was James. Lost

Then Caitlyn. Nope

Andrew. Nope

Ian. Sorry mate.

And finally, Belle.

"Come on guys." I announced. 

"Final one." Roman mentioned. 

Her package begun on Romans oar, before making its way to Adele. Then Kate, Infact it got all the way to me at the end. I was feeling really good about this one, until...


It pained me to watch Belle's package sink, It pained me even more to know that I was the reason for it. I can't help but wonder what it was. My heart sunk just like the parcel and I turned to face the others. 

'Were going back to our camp, with Concealer, and a picture of Jane McDonald.' Kate spoke to the camera. 

Belles P.O.V

I finished tying my hair up into a ponytail. Andrew walked into the camp with a notice.


Earlier this evening, Main Camp were given the opportunity to win luxury items, they won two luxury items for main camp

And nothing for snake rock.' 


"Well, that's anti-climactic," I spoke, somewhat disappointed. "And on that note, I think I'll head to bed." 

Before heading to bed I made my way to the jungle diary room. 

'I would be lying if I said I'm not disappointed we didn't win a single luxury item, I know how much James would enjoy his neck pillow right now. And I think Andrew mentioned his was an inflatable chair which would really help all our backs right now. We literally have no chairs with backs so my postures fucked. But I'd love mine which is my childhood teddy bear. But before coming into camp i custom made him a tshirt with photos of my family and friends on. I'm missing them so much, and I'd love to wake up each morning and see each of them - it would really get me going for the day. Not to mention how great it would feel to sleep on because I'm sleeping with my rucksack right now. Not fun.' 

selcouth; MYLES STEPHENSON IM A CELEB 2019Where stories live. Discover now