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It was the next morning now, I sat up and took a deep breath in, before exclaiming at the top of my voice "Gooood morning finalists!"

Ant and Dec quickly made their way into camp for the final time this series. 

"Its that time again!" Dec said, "Good morning!" 

"Here we go then, the public have been voting for their king, or queen of the jungle. The person with the fewest votes is about to leave camp for good."

"The person in 3rd place, of I'm a celebrity 2019 is..." Then we waited, we've all grown used to this pause. "Roman," 

We got up to hug him goodbye, "Love you so much mate," I said into the hug, 

I then hugged Andy so so so tight. Final two. 

Me and Andy Whyment, final two. 

"Welcome back to the final of I'm a celebrity 2019, the vote closes in around 12 minutes, this is your last chance to crown a brand new king or queen of the jungle."

Andy and I made our way over the bridge. 

"Well Andy lasted 19 days and Belle lasted 23 days, in that time Andy got locked up in the jungle jailhouse and had a starring role as cockroach man! And Belle faced her fears, screamed her way through the crevice of cruelty and both of them had a blast at the celebrity cyclone! But they're out now, It Andy and Belle everybody!" 

We made our way into the studio, Andy led the way, I followed closely behind, hugging Dec and then hugging Ant. We sat down at the table, ready to be grilled with loads of questions. They talked to Andy first and we took a look at his jungle highlights. Thankfully, this gave me time to clear my thoughts, calm my breathing, and compose myself. This whole experience is just so overwhelming.

As Ant and Dec asked Andy all about his jungle experience, I scanned the studio, was Myles here? Surely he'd come, right? 

"Belle!" I zoned back in, "Over to you now," I smiled, "We're going to have a chat with you now, but lets take a look at your jungle highlights."

We watched, I couldn't stand to watch some of the clips, I choked on my own gasp when the clip of me falling out the box was played. But when Myles's face appeared I couldn't help but smile. The video ended, it ended with a clip of about 2 seconds, of me and him kissing. Fuck. My jaw dropped and my hand covered my open mouth. I looked over to Ant and Dec to see them both wiggling their eyebrows. Andy next to me said "I did not know about that!" 

"How does it feel to watch it all back?" Dec asked me cheekily, 

"Amazing, cant believe I did all that stuff," I said, referring to the trials. "Couldnt watch the spider one, Im not there yet!" I laughed hoping the subject would stay on the trials.

"Was this show what you expected it to be like?" Ant asked,

"Definitely, I mean what you see it what you get. What you cant prepare yourself for is the long hours of having nothing to do, everyone always talks about the boredom, but I thought it wouldnt be that bad. It gets really bad!"

"Obviously, you faced a lot of trials and challenges down there, you didn't really seem to enjoy many of them. But you had some good friends down there to cheer you on and lift your spirits, shall we take a look?" Dec suggested, I braced myself for more clips of Myles and me. Thankfully the video started with me and Kate, then me and Ian, eventually Nadine and Adele made an appearance. It ended however, with Myles and I sharing a hammock. I just giggled and held my hand over my mouth. 

"You and a certain someone have been sneaking off to have some secret little chats!" I gasped when Ant said this, I bit my finger in embarrassment, 

"Now, we wont make you rewatch it, but what we all wanna know is, whats the tea?" Dec asked,

I giggled, "Someones been learning their lines! Umm, no its too soon to say, and I haven't seen him in what feels like so long. But, something about the whole thing just seemed so right," 

"You've said you feel like you've grown in confidence since you've been down there, and from that clip we can see its not just you whos noticed that. What do you think about that?"

"I think its so easy to care so much what other people think of you, like trolls, and being in there, its like you have no choice to be anyone but yourself. And everyone in their has always had my back, through all ages, regardless of how their day had been they just treated me with kindness. And it made me realise, how much other people love me when im myself, but also, how much i've come to love myself for me." 

"Well listen, We're running out of time to talk to ya, but i wanna ask you one thing. What would it mean to you to be crowned queen of the jungle?" Ant asked,

"Honestly, everything I wanted to achieve from this show, I've achieved. Anything else from this point onwards is superficial. The crown would be amazing, but it wouldn't be everything, because the things i'll truly carry from this show are the life lessons and the memorys. However, the crown would just be a cherry on the top." I said, Andy shook my knee encouragingly from beside me. 

"Well thats it, the vote is now closed in a few minutes Andy or Belle will be crowned the jungle king or queen, but first lets find out what Andy and Belle's campmates think about this years final two." 

"Belle! What a journey! All she needed was the opportunity to prove herself to herself." Andrew spoke on the video tape

"Belle is the strongest woman I have ever met in my life, genuinely! Day in day out, she has kept spirits high in the camp," Myles spoke, I felt myself tearing up at this point.

"She was fun to be around, she was such a trooper! I mean such a trooper!" Caitlyn said,

"Belle should win because she is such a sweetheart, she really really does deserve to win. She is a force to be reckoned with!" Nadine spoke

"Shes just a really really lovely girl! Theres nothing she can't do, Belle Hope is a complete star," Kate said, 

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