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"There's one in my boxers," Myles spoke,

He took his goggles off and pulled his bandana down, then he turned to look at me with the biggest smile I've ever seen, and his eyes. Oh my god, his eyes. They glistened, and I've never been more drawn in. I walked towards him with my arms wide, he stepped towards me and engulfed me in his hug. 

"My girl, well done." Hearing those words leave his mouth made butterflies swarm in my belly. "I'm so proud of you!" 

"Lets see how well you did lets count out the stars-" Dec said,

"1,2,3,4,5,6!" We counted. Myles did a little dance from beside me, I just grinned

"So six stars, a full house - but, there is a twist today!" Dec begun, "You get to decide which camp receives the food you just won, do you want it to be sent to main camp, or do you want to take it with you to the jungle jailhouse?"

I looked towards Myles, hoping he'd decide because I'd feel awful either way.

Myles began to speak, "New Andy, and Cliff," 
"Have they eaten?" I asked
"They got us 8 stars yesterday,"
"You had a good meal last night?" Ant asked,
"The nicest." 

"Lets rock paper scissors it.." He suggests "You're the main camp, I'm the prison."  
We played, Myles won, we went with Jailhouse.
"And that's where you're going right now, where you will live, Sheriff?" 

Myles pulled me aside, making way for the on-coming horse and carriage. The carriage nothing like one for a wedding though. He held me close as we watched it draw closer.

"This is crazy!" Myles spoke

We got into the back, not even a seat for us. The horses quickly departed, leaving me wobbly on my feet, Myles made the clever decision to sit down and I followed suit. 

We made our way over the bridge and was prodded by producers for comments, 

"I thought I was doing a good thing cause you wanted to do a trial, now we're both going to the bad camp" I frowned to the camera,
"Don't worry we got six stars and we done it fair and square, we'll be thinking of the main camp whilst we're eating tonight." 

We made our way down the steep hill into camp, everyone was on the floor, all asleep. 

"Go in there don't make a noise just sneak in" Myles whispered,

As the gate shut behind us, Kate shot her head up like a meercat. Once her eyes met mine her face lit up, I hurriedly made my way towards my jungle mum 

"Howdy!" I said and embraced Kate in a hug, then I turned to my right

"FRED BUCKLE!!" I exclaimed. I've always been a long time fan of call the midwife, so to be stood opposite to Cliff Parisi is like a dream come true! He chuckled then welcomed me with a friendly hug. 

Myles laid on his piece of fabric on the floor.
I audibly sulked,

"Whats up princess?" He smiled, 
"I don't wanna sleep on the floor again" 
"Oh, of course, this is where you started isn't it?"
"Yeah, while you were in the luxurious camp." I jokingly sighed. He laughed and held his arm out for me, I lay down, with my head on his belly, whilst he played with my hair. 

"Do you like your football, Andy?" Kate asked
"Yeah, love it" He spoke back
"Will you be excited to meet Ian Wright?" I asked,
"Yeah, yeah, looking forward to meeting him yeah!" 
"He's an arser," Myles spoke, I felt the vibration from beneath me. A sense of safety.

I zoned out of the conversation, I'll be honest - football bores me. I can't help but focus on something else in my mind, Myles. 
Do I really love him? Or am I just missing home, and my family, and I'm just enjoying the attention? 

Damn, maybe I'm just horny, 

But, how does that explain the butterflies I get when I see him? or the desire to be with him 24/7? How does that explain how safe he makes me feel? Or the way I look at him and he looks back with such love in his eyes? 

I. Love. Him. 

selcouth; MYLES STEPHENSON IM A CELEB 2019Where stories live. Discover now