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"I need to pee." Myles said from beside me. 

The helicopter landed and we all piled out in our pairs.

334 feet high above circus paradise. 

"The planks are back," I sighed "But this time they're tougher than before." Ant pointed towards them

The duo explained the rules. 

"How are you all with heights?" I stayed silent, whilst those around me made themselves heard.

The production team prodded us for comments as we got buckled up, Ian spoke whilst i stayed silent. 

"You okay?" He asks, I simply nodded. 

"I'm just happy we dont have to do this on our own." I said, Ian raised his hand to highfive me. I let out a slight smile, before letting it fade again. 

Myself and Ian were up first.

"How you feeling?" Ant questioned us both

"Bit nervous to be honest," Ian spoke on both our behalf. "But its gotta be done if we wanna be the power pair."

The production and crew got us into position. 

"Belle, you can 100% do this!" Andrew spoke words of encouragement, the rest of the celebs joined in.

"You've got this girl." Myles voiced.

'Baby steps' i said in my head as i stepped out.

I shuffeled down the plank. As i came to the see-saw I placed my leg upon it, looking across to Ian. 

"AAAaaaahhh" He yelled, before loosing balance and leaning towards me. I gasped and looked the other way - i covered my face and took a deep breath in. I looked over through gaped fingers and saw he had balanced himself again. I took a deep breathe and shuffled forward once again.

'Go on Belle!'


'Keep going Belle'

"Shhh please shhhh" I snapped. 

I focused deeply on the plank again.

We both made it to the ladder, turned around, and climbed down. 

My breath shaking more and more.

I reached the bottom, let go of the ladder, and entered the yellow gameplay zone. 

My breath shaking more than ever.

Ians light turned green. He hit it.

'Well done'

'Well done'

"Come on Belle" Spoke Myles.

My light turned green and i instantly made sure to hit the button. My breath stopping whilst my foot left the plank. 

I immedietly turned around and made my way home. 

I got back to the roof and let out the biggest scream. The duo highfived me and Ian carried me back to our spot. 

I fucking did it. 

Roman and Myles were next.

I held my breath for them.

They did it in no time and before i knew it they were back home.

And finally, it was Kate and Andrews go.

"Power ponytails, power ponytails!" Chanted Myles

"You can do it my love!" Encouraged Andrew

They made their way down, then home ready to hear who will become the power couple.

Ian and my combined time was 3.04 seconds, but Roman and Myles just got in there with 1.45 seconds, leaving them as the first power pair.

I played good sport and congratulated them with claps, even though i knew it meant rice and beans for me tonight.



We arrived to where the other challenge was taking place, Nadine and Adele were crowned power pair, leaving James and Caitlyn to travel to the rough camp with us. 

Our transport was nothing worth instagramming, unlike the others - a flashy helicopter.

Once we clambered in and took our seats, my eyes were drawn to a huge 8 legged creature on the dash. 

"OH MY GOD." I screamed. I know i said i wasnt scared of spiders, but that was something else.

"Its so big it should be driving." James remarked

selcouth; MYLES STEPHENSON IM A CELEB 2019Where stories live. Discover now