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"Guyyyys!" I announced making my way into camp. We had just finished our dinner, the sun had set and the sky was dark. "We have an announcement," I begun, holding the note in front of my face,
"Celebrities, to celebrate the election of James as our camp leader, here are the luxury items for all campmates who haven't yet received them!" Everyone cheered.

James sat on his throne, with a sack in front of him, full to the top with luxury items. Quite like Father Christmas really. 

The first item was handed to Caitlyn, which she gratefully accepted. Whilst she was unwrapping it Myles turned to me and whispered, "You looked really great earlier" 
I looked up to meet his eyes, I met him with a confused look. We're in the jungle, I highly doubt any of us look great. Except maybe him.
"By the pool," He whispered right by my ear this time, sending chills down my body. He pulled his face back and winked. I could feel my face getting redder and I dipped my head, he moved closer to me, I didn't even realise that was possible, given the distance already between us. He then placed his arm on my leg and begun tracing patterns over it. 
"Awww RoRo!" He said beside me, breaking me from my thoughts. He began to clap for Roman when he got his parcel but quickly ensured his hand was returned to my leg. 
Roman opened his luxury item up and revealed it to be a mug with his girlfriend and dog on it. Everyone awww'd from around us. 
Next was Cliff, "This is something that I think we might all enjoy a little bit," He said with a smile, my cheeks hurt from smiling whenever this man was around. My jungle Dad. He then revealed his luxury item to be a Christmas tree, to bring Christmas joy to the camp.
Ian revealed his to be a track of his favourite song, the song played in the background and we all jumped up and danced along. I made my way over to Adele and Nadine, we began to dance together, then suddenly Myles made his way over to me, takes my hand and spins me. 

The track finished and Myles led me back to our seat. Nadine opened her package, a tangle teaser, the Andy his, some lip balm.

Then it was Myles, he opted for a camera, so he could make some jungle memories.

Andrew went for an inflatable chair, and James an orthopaedic pillow, then it was my turn.

"So mine is," I begun to unwrap the parcel. "My childhood teddy, but we got a T-shirt made for him with all my favourite photos on, and if you squeeze him..." I said, then squeezed him to reveal the sound of my big brother, PJ, my youngest sister, Daisy, and my best friend Luca, all simultaneously chanting 'YOU CAN DO IT! YOU CAN DO IT!' 

The camp awww'd, comments were voiced such as 'thats adorable!' and 'genius'

I took a look at the shirt. My eyes landing on photos like me with my mum, and my dog. 

I held a strong visage before we all broke up and I dashed to the safety of the jungle diary room.

I just didn't realise how much I missed them, I wanna give them all a cuddle. I miss them so much. 

I broke into tears, and put my head into my hand. 

I squeezed the voice box of the teddy again, to be met with the chant once more. 

I wiped my eyes and tried to keep a low profile, brushed my teeth and headed to bed. 

I didn't go completely undetected though, because James caught my eye, "You alright?" He questioned worriedly, I didn't speak but nodded. Knowing if I was to speak my voice might break and I may get emotional again. 

"Come here," He whispered and pulled me into a hug. "I get it, one of those days." 

"Don't make it obvious," I whispered, he just chuckled, 

"We all are gonna get like this at some point Belle, don't be ashamed." 

I sighed before getting into bed,

"Goodnight James"  

selcouth; MYLES STEPHENSON IM A CELEB 2019Where stories live. Discover now