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The sunlight streamed in through the trees, I opened my eyes but instinctively shut them again to adjust to the light. I sat up on my elbows to stretch, I caught eyes with Adele who was down by the fire. I scanned the rest of the group as she walked up towards me, he wasn't down there. I swung my legs over the side of the hammock, and Nadine and Adele perched themselves beside me,

"Adele told me what happened baby," Nadine cooed, pulling me into a hug and kissing my temple. 

My eyes traced up to Myles bed, just to check. Thankfully, he was still there. Whilst attempting to fall asleep last night scenarios were running through my head. One of which being, he left to go home. Thankfully this wasn't the case. 

Myself and the girls made our way down to the rest of the campmates, 

"Good morning Belle," James announced, many of the other campmates echoed his greeting. I smiled, "Good morning guys." 

"Belle, wait till I tell you what I'm cooking up over here," Ian smiled, clearly quite proud of whatever he was cooking, 
"Go on then," I insisted with a smile on my face,
"Rice and Bananas," He smiled. 
"Delish," I laughed

"Do you think the queen watches this show?" Caitlyn asked,

"Not with all the terrible language and nudity, I doubt it." Cliff answered,

"I don't think its beyond the realms of possibility that some member of the royal family watches it" Andrew commented, 

The conversation quickly changed to the Kardashians, I zoned out and began staring at the floor. Contemplating the current situation. Nadine made her way over to me and sat beside me. 

"Do you think I should talk to him?" I whispered towards Nadine, not taking my eyes off the campfire which I was staring at. She quickly scanned the area, 
"I think so, he's in his bed at the moment, will you do it now?" She asked, I sighed, but nodded.

I stood up and looked for him, like Nadine said he was in his bed, sat like he was yesterday. His head in his hands, I nodded towards Nadine and she returned the gesture. I made my way up the steps and towards him,

"Hey?" I whispered, he looked up, his eyes bloodshot. The sight of this made my heart drop, "Can we talk?" I asked, he nodded and shimmied up on his bed, to give me a space to sit down.

"I'm sorry," He whispered, his hands in front of his face, almost like a prayer sign, but his eyes fixed on the ground in front of him,

"What the fuck is going on though Myles?" I whispered back,

"I don't know, honestly, I don't know." 

"What have I done Myles? Because I don't know either" I asked, he looked up and looked me in the eyes,

"You haven't done anything," He shakes his head and takes my hand, "Its so stupid, so so so stupid, I shouldn't have overreacted like I did," 

"Why did you though Myles? You're literally telling me nothing here. What is going on?" 

"I can't tell you." He said, "Not now, not yet." I sighed, defeated. He was keeping something from me, I don't know what, but something in me longed to forgive him, because I wanted my boy back. 

We sat and awaited the arrival of Ant and Dec, I hadn't spoken to Myles again since our talk this morning, I didn't know what to do, or where to stand with it all. I sat between Nadine and Adele, Myles sat nearby, I guess its just habit now? 

"Now then you lot, we have news," Ant begun, "A curse has descended on camp,"

"That would explain a lot," I muttered to the girls, they both giggled,

"You're all now cursed, over the next two days there will be a series of challenges known as 'reckonings'" Ant continued,

Dec took over and said, "Today's reckonings will give each of you the chance to free yourself from the curse and win food." 

"Now the public have been voting on who will be taking on the first of the reckonings, the sinister circus," Ant said

"Roman," Dec spoke, then paused. We waited for the 'its not you.' but he instead continued with, "Belle," fuck. "Nadine" he continued, "and Ian," He finished. "Its the four of you," 


"The rest of you will face your own reckonings later today,"

We said our goodbyes to the duo, and then I turned to Nadine and Roman, "At least I'm not alone" I tried to remain positive, high fiving Roman and hugging Nadine.

"I don't even like the circus," I complained, 

We were all given fresh t-shirts, bright purple with cursed written on in green, and a green X on the front,

Andy then made a final announcement, reading off a note delivered to camp, stating all cursed celebrities will be eating rice and beans, however, everyone will have an opportunity to free themselves from the curse today.

I'm frightened, I feel like its gonna be physical, in which case I'm pretty much screwed and probably gonna be cursed for the rest of my life, but we'll see what happens.

selcouth; MYLES STEPHENSON IM A CELEB 2019Where stories live. Discover now