Chapter 11: Crime and the City Pt. 1

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Corner Deli
February 26th, 9:43pm

The Player was browsing the display refrigerators for a drink, his expression was along the lines of disappointment the farther he walked down the aisle as nothing seemed appealing.

"I hate it when a deli doesn't have what I'm looking for." He groaned irately after reaching the last fridge.

He opened the door and took out a small bottle of what appeared to be fruit punch, it was all he was familiar with considering Canopy's unique tastes; Berry-Nut Splash, Kiwi Cucumber Mix, Tropical Rain and Dr. Spice just to name a few. All of which were sounding disgusting or knockoff brands from his home.

Once he closed the door Filia and Squigly approached him.

"Did you two get what you wanted?" The Player asked.

"Yep." Squigly answered with a satisfied smile, showing that she had a few chocolate bars, at least 4 bags of chips and a 16 oz cream soda in her arms.

"Jeez, Sienna. You can barely carry all of that."

"Well you said I can get whatever I wanted, so that's what I did." Squigly shifts and inclines her head to the left with her eyes closed, acting out a spoiled princess façade as a playful poke to her roommate.

"I'm just saying that's a lot of junk, and I'm not talking about what's in the trunk." He countered her playfulness with a tease of his own, making Squigly face him again.

"Watch it now." She gestured her foot as if she were about to kick his shin.

The Player flinches at her initiated act, but their jointed laughter conveyed that they often had these exchanges. It was in good fun.

He turns to Filia who didn't have anything. "What about you?" He asked her.

"I'm fine. I don't need any junk food. I'm still on my diet."

The Player and Squigly turned their backs to her in, not so subtle, secrecy.

"That's the 5th week she said that." Squigly whispered.

The Player nods to confirm the facts. "Yep. Who does she think she's fooling?" He whispered back.

Seeing them made Filia squint her eyes, she knew what the topic of debate was among them.

"I AM staying true to my diet." She declared defensively, breaking up their huddle by getting their attention with her claim. "I'll have you know I lost a few pounds last week."

"And you gained more than you lost by eating all our damn ice cream last night." The Player clarified to remind her.


Last night...

Filia entered the kitchen to find some snacks to snack on. Her search for junk lead to the freezer where a large family size tub of vanilla ice cream was sitting at the forefront of all the frozen food they had.

"Hey, Player, can I have some ice cream?" She asked while peeking through the kitchen's passthrough window.

The Player was sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV, not paying her any mind. "You can get a spoonful." His eyes didn't even bother leaving the TV.

Filia, with a smug grin, pulled out an oversized 8inch wide x 2inch deep x 35inch spoon from out of nowhere and turns back to the freezer to claim her prize.


In the present...

"That was ONE time." Filia continued to defend herself...although poorly because the point still stood.

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