Chapter 3: Royal Drama

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CKN - Canopy Kingdom News!

'Good evening everyone, and thanks for tuning in to the 5 o'clock Canopy Kingdom News. In our top story today, there have been numerous reports of Skullgirl sightings in New Meridian, leaving the Canopy Military to raise the Skullgirl Alert Level to Mauve. New Meridian citizens are advised to stay indoors, remain vigilant and report anything suspicious. This newest incarnation of the Skullgirl has yet to be identified, but our sources within the NMPD say her victims seem to be connected with the prestigious Medici family. Lorenzo Medici, the most prominent of this powerful clan, has withdrawn from the public spotlight and is believed to have gone into hiding.

Having just observed the seventh anniversary of the defeat of the previous Skullgirl, our kingdom's own Queen Nancy, Trinity bless her soul, the appearance of a new Skullgirl is a chilling development. While expected, the core of our nation is once again-'

"BOR-IIIIIING!" The view pans out from a view of the reporter as a loud voice interrupts the program. One of the Egret guards took his eye off of the small portable TV and looked back to a nearby cell which held the Player behind bars. He was watching the report along with the guard but has obviously shown disinterest in what was being explained. "What else is on?" He casually asked.

"Quiet, prisoner!"

"You arrested me for walking down an alley. The least you could do is provide some good TV. The news is boring. Put on some cartoons."

One of the armed guards near the Player couldn't help but overhear the conversation, he peaked back to the cell from over his shoulder. "Cartoons? What are you? Five?"

The Player now had his attention on the guard who questioned him, "Good animated shows have no limit when it comes to age. They're better than most crap on nowadays anyway and it doesn't put me to sleep."

"The news is very important. Especially when the Skullgirl is involved. With her roaming the streets it's best you pay attention to all important news flashes."

"Don't bother acknowledging him." The first guard sitting by the desk intervened, turning his attention back to the TV, "He's a prisoner and we're ordered to stand guard."

The Player peered over to the first guard sitting at the desk, shaking his head at his claims. "You mind telling me what I'm even doing in here? I didn't do anything."

"You've been sighted with the Medici's and willingly agreed to working with them. You're an accomplice to one of the most powerful crime syndicates this kingdom has ever known. Don't play dumb."

It had just occurred to the Player that they were aware of him hunting down the Life Gem with Cerebella. Vitale paid the Player to keep his mouth shut from the authorities and with the Egrets well versed on the events it could be assumed, by the Medici's standpoint, the Player ratted them out. "N-No I didn't!" He tried to deny the truth in a rather timid tone.

"We've kept tabs on you since you arrived. You can't lie to us. Princess Umbrella told us all about you. Your name, 'Player', runs deep in our kingdom's history."

The Player sighed heavily and shook his head, "That's not my name. My name is-!"

"Save it." The guard interrupted, trying his hardest to focus on the TV. He and the other guards returned to their posts, rightfully carrying out their jobs now ignoring the prisoner.

"Why does everyone cut me off when I'm about to reveal my real name?"

'So once again, thanks to princess Parasoul and the Black Egrets, you can sleep easy at night. Even when this new threat has emerged. In these uncertain times, it's good to know that we can always rely on the strength and leadership of our Canopy's royal family. Good night, and goddesspeed.'

The Wonderful World of SkullgirlsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon