Sidetracked Chapter 7: Being Sisters

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Unknown Location, Renoir Facility

March 5th, 10:55am

Four Egret soldiers stood guard outside the large facility. They were all standing straight like living statues, it wouldn't be hard to assume that was the case considering they've held those positions for over an hour.

One of the Egrets finally breaks and yawns from the boredom

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One of the Egrets finally breaks and yawns from the boredom. He turns his head to his fellow soldiers and sees they were still maintaining their poses. Before his curiosity could be noted he faces forward and looks out to the road ahead.

Several minutes pass and the boredom was starting to become unbearable. The Egret sighs and looks over to his partners.

"Anybody got a stack of cards?" He casually asks.

"Focus." The second Egret commands.

"I've been focusing for 3 months straight, I think we're free to chat a little. No one is going to find this place."

A third Egret threw his head back in relief that the first Egret said what he was thinking. "Someone finally said it. Thank you!" He broke formation and looks over to the two.

"Don't you start." The second Egret didn't break form, but he does turn his head in the direction of the third Egret.

"Come on, man. It's just us. You can let loose. Princess Parasoul won't be out for another hour." The second Egret comments.

"I just don't want any screwups. The princess has chosen us as her personal bodyguards and you never know who may be lurking."

The Renoir facility was a lone, and secret, establishment far away from civilization. It was perched on a cliffside by the ocean and heavily secure with numerous signs warning of trespassing down the winding road and security tolls that would've turned away anyone who happen to stumble upon the site.

In regard to the Egrets comment about any potential lurkers all that answered him was the wind as it blew by to break the silence.

"Somehow I doubt anyone would be lurking around here." The first Egret responds once the wind blew by. "Also, why are you talking like Princess Parasoul is going to punish you for taking a break? She's not that kind of person. She's on the level. She'd be okay with you taking a break."

"Hell, she'd be offended if she knew you thought you'd be punished." The Third Egret added.

"...I wonder what she's doing in there." The fourth Egret finally spoke, getting the first and third's attention. "Other than the fact that she chose us to be her bodyguards we don't really know why Princess Parasoul has been coming here for these last couple months."

"She has been pretty tight lipped about it." The third Egret pointed out.

"Not to mention she's been bringing Princess Umbrella. Before this those two were barely ever in each other's presence." The first Egret follows up.

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