Sidetracked Chapter 13: Setting the Stage

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Medici Hideout
April 26th


A collection of paper and books aggressively hit the floor and scattered throughout.

Vitale and Black Dahlia stood in front of Lorenzo's desk watching as the Medici godfather, in his unyielding rage, swiped his desk clean.

"It's been 7 months and no one has found that goddamn cat thief yet?! Useless! Everybody! Useless! And how is it possible the Skullgirl just vanishes?! We can't risk going back if we don't know where she is! Why must I be surrounded by so many incompetent-?!"

Lorenzo's rant was cut short by heavy coughing.

"Father, please. Don't push yourself," Vitale spoke with concern.

"Aaargh! Time is not on our side so long as the Life Gem is out of my hands," Lorenzo's coughing ceased and he spoke more calmly to avoid another wave. "And to make matters worse I heard from our contact in New Meridian that the casino has gained unwanted attention."

"...Yes, I heard about that," Vitale regretfully confirmed. "But I wouldn't worry about it too much. Apparently it was some washed-up poser trying to revive some pathetic television show."

"Beyond that," Lorenzo corrected. "Some colossal freak dressed in a trench coat snooping around and investigating."

"A cop?"

"Big Band," Black Dahlia answered. "Wouldn't put it past him to start putting his nose where it didn't belong now that most of the organization left to lie low. Not much keeping him away."

Lorenzo growls low at the news, his patience growing thin every time he had to hear about the Medicis running.

"That is, unless I step in," Black Dahlia continued. "Lorenzo, sir, allow me to work the racket back in New Meridian for a while, just in case some unwanted attention shows up again. I'll keep a low profile, see how things are moving around the business, and if anyone tries their hand I'll take them to the special VIP at the bottom of Meridian River."

"There will be a lot of people in the room, Dahlia. We can't risk attracting attention. We may be away from New Meridian, out of the chaos, but there's no telling who may come around looking for us. So, for now, I need you here. Protecting me."p

Dahlia was a bit displeased with Lorenzo's decline but she knew it was important he remained protected.

"Understood," she nods.

Lorenzo placed his hands together and closed his eyes -- thinking of ways to gain control of their situation, but with the Life Gem out of his hand there wasn't much in the way of time and time was the determining factor of success for every possible outcome he could think of.

Basically, they were out of options.

"...We're going to have to make the call," Lorenzo said.

"Father." | "Boss," both Vitale and Black Dahlia spoke simultaneously knowing what Lorenzo had planned.

Lorenzo cancels their concern by holding his hand to them. "We don't have any other option. This is the last resort. I don't like it any more than you do, but with that Feral filth off the grid we can't risk waiting any longer," he brought his hand to his head to keep it upheld from the stress that kept him weary.

Vitale shows a light and bothered snarl, but push came to shove. Like it or not this was the best possible move they could make given the circumstances.

"Get the boys together and set up a meeting for tomorrow," Lorenzo instructs.

"As you wish, father."

Vitale and Black Dahlia respectfully salute the godfather and promptly take their leave to attend their orders.

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