- Encore: Chapter 0 -

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'Legend tells of an ancient artifact that can grant a woman's wish...The Skull Heart, however if she is impure of heart her wish will be corrupted and she will turn into an immensely powerful, twisted being of destruction...The Skullgirl'

A young man sat alone reading the legend of the Skullgirl from a book detailing the legacy. After he was done reading he placed the book inside the bag by his feet.

He was one of the many passengers on a large blimp-like ship.

"...What a load. Only granting the wish of a woman? I've never heard of a more sexist McGuffin in my life." He huffed and crossed one leg over the other while resting his cheek in the palm of his hand. He sat by the window with his elbow on the window sill to his left.

"Nothing but a sea of clouds since we left the ground. I was honestly hoping I'd get to see the world below as we traveled considering there's nothing else to do on this ship. Not even a movie. Well, anyway, I'm going to see if I can find this Skull Heart and make a wish for myself. What will I wish for exactly? I don't know yet. I should probably fix that."

"What's all this talk about wish granting, man?" A little girl from the seating row ahead was looking down to him from the back of her chair.

"Excuse me?" He looks at her with an inclined brow.

"You're going crazy back here and I'm trying to read my Skullgals comic! You know you were actually speaking aloud and not narrating the plot, right?"

He paused for a moment as her comment settled. He ended up looking at the girl with a look of disinterest, clearly against the notion of answering her question, or possibly because he honestly couldn't recall whether or not he was actually monologuing to himself.

"Wow. Breaking the fourth wall this early? I can already tell this is gonna suck." He finally replied without answering her.

The girl gave him an annoyed squint before realizing there was something peculiar about him. She couldn't explain it, it was just something she felt.

"Hey, you look kinda...different. I don't think I've ever seen you around before."

"I...would imagine so. I'm a complete stranger. A foreigner, actually."

"I gathered that much. Where ya from?"

"...Very far away. Can't give away specifics. All you need to know is that I'll be living in the New Meridian for a little while."

"Hmm. I see, I see. What exactly brings you out to our fine kingdom, stranger?"

"I'm searching for something. I'll get it and get out." He redirects his attention back to the window, trying to dismiss the little girl with a clear lack of interest in furthering the conversation.

The girl looked at him in intrigue, smiling with a snarky grin.

"Oooooh, you're hiding something. I can tell. You're treading all new ground here, bub. New Meridian has glamour, sure, but keeping secrets won't get you far. If you're not careful the streets will eat you alive."

"It's my business, little girl." He goes against his initial mind to ignore her by replying to the comment, albeit unenthusiastically and still looking out to the clouds.

"Little girl?! I'll have you know I'm princess of Canopy Kingdom! Thank you very much."

The young man's eyes slightly widen at the girl's statement before facing her with a puzzled look on his face.

"You're a princess?" He questioned doubtfully.

She nods with a proud smile, giving her answer.

"Yep, yep. Before I forget, what's your name?"

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