100k Milestone

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We did it? We actually did it? Skullgirls broke 100k?! HOLY FU-

I wasn't anticipating that we'd get this far so soon. I thought it was going to take a few months, but the numbers were blitzing by and almost every time I came to check on the status it jumped up by 100+

Seeing the numbers climb, I'm thinking to myself... "Yo! Who is reading this story like a madman??" Lmao

I am genuinely at a loss for words. I know you guys always see me thank you for sticking around and supporting me, and I imagine it can get repetitive to see, but with every fiber of my being: THANK YOU!

Even with all my nonsense and delays, you guys continue to support me and that's something words alone can't even express. And while I'm still working on this PC issue, I still have chapter transcripts and the progress I made before the old PC died, including the Phase 2 stuff so we should be good.

I'm irked I don't have anything to celebrate the occasion, in a way it feels like I've kind of let you all down in that regard, I can only hope the rest of what I have in store will make it up to you and will be worth the wait.

Seriously, how did you guys stick with it for so long? I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around it. I look back on previous chapters and think "Wow. This is dumb," but then I get tidal waves of support convincing me otherwise and it's just so...goddamn lol.

You don't have to answer that, that's just me talking lol.

100k wasn't the only milestone we reached either, I forgot to mention that we hit over 2k votes a while ago and that keeps increasing. Another milestone is Chapter 20 potentially reaching 2k reads before its 1-year release, and lastly, there's me on the verge of 300 followers.

That's a lot. There's a lot going on and man am I just taking it all in.

Usually, I have something for you guys, like news on what I have planned for the future of the story, however, that's already been touched upon in the 2023 writer's update so I don't have much to say. Well, there is but I don't want to fully spill the beans on all of that yet.

I feel I have to give you guys something though.

Real quick, there's a song called "Testing Me" from Platinum Games' underrated gem Anarchy Reigns that perfectly fits with everything the Player has been through since the story started and it will fully peak in these last two chapters for Phase 1.

If you want to get a sample of his perspective, how he feels, what he's going to be going through, and by proxy the direction of these next two chapters, give it a listen:

The lyrics are quite somber, if you remember a little while back I said you guys are going to hate me when you read them and I still stand by that lol.

There's just a lot more Skullgirls story I want to tell and do a little something-something for some other series and communities that'll culminate together to form a shared... Mmmm.... Nah. I've already said too much.

Have I bored you with this talk? I think I did, so I should probably cut this short.

We reached a big milestone with big things to come, I still have re-rewrite chapters I want to get out but I didn't want to publish them until after I wrap up Phase 1.

Always remember, gang; none of this would've been possible without you and your support. I enjoy getting to interact with you all just as much as I like writing, so for everything, thank you.

Thank you so much!

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