Writer Update(2023)

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It's been a little while since we last saw one of these, and because of that, I feel we're scheduled for another.

Hey everybody! How are you doing? Hope you've all been well since the new year started. It's been pretty busy on my end, so I haven't been able to do any writing outside of basic outlines and so on.

Even if I were to write as much as I'd like, I would've been on a break anyway. Not for myself, but for you guys.

Why? Chapter 20 was a big chapter and while the reception was fantastic it seems a lot of readers were overwhelmed by the chapter length, so I felt it would've been best to give you all a breathing period of a few months, that way you wouldn't get burned out.

I already started working on Chapter 20: Part 2 a few months ago, but of course, it's not ready yet. However, I do have a few scenes I'll leave below as a preview just to quench your thirst if you want to see something from it.

Part 2 will be leaning more toward Slice-Of-Life fun, but because this is still an action story, we'll still be seeing a few fights here and there. I can't promise a lack of grandeur, but there will be fewer fights than in Part 1... or at least it should. To be safe, don't quote me on that.

I'm sure most of you have already seen the announcement, but for those who haven't; the prequel story Wonderful World of Skullgirls is titled The Fall of Trinity and will be released after Marie is added to Skullgirls.

So far, this is what our road map is looking like: Nexus Verse Part II & III, Phase 2, and Fall of Trinity. There are also those currently unnamed chapters that are meant to run concurrent with the main chapters that focus on then absent fan favorites like Nadia, Painwheel, Peacock, and Big Band.

I plan on getting back to writing soon, I just want to wait a little longer before giving you guys too much to digest. On top of using writer updates to inform readers what's going on, I also do it in hopes that it reassures you enough to keep your interest.

I know waiting for entertainment can lead to loss of interest or forgetting it exists, so I just like keeping you in the know for assurance that it's all coming together and will be out once ready.

It's looking pretty spicy for this story. God help us if they announce Skullgirls 2.

Now, I will leave you with those previews I mentioned earlier.

These two previews don't occur back-to-back. They happen at different times in the story, to differentiate them I'll label them as PV1 and PV2.


Darkness — the unknown.

An endless void of calm and peace where the factor of time wasn't a concept to the resting mind.

A sanctuary of repose where the mind sank deeper into the arms of nothing in hopes of catching a dream to live out fantasies that were often out of reach.

That is

"Gwen? Psst! Hey, Gwen."

A familiar whisper broke the morning silence, but no response.

"Gweeen. Gwen! Are you up?"

A few more calls, and it became clear who the voice belonged to, and he was trying to get Gwen's attention.

"Nnngh," Gwen groaned in response to his calls.

Gwen opened her eyes, and she awakened to the Player's face directly above hers from over the armrest where she laid her head.

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