Omake 3

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Squigly lays in bed surrounded by open envelopes and paper, along with Leviathan she read over each and every one, there were well over 20 each, and if that wasn't enough there were still a few more left unopened on the nightstand beside her bed.

As she rests on her back with another letter in hand she reads on with a giddy smile beyond her stitches. "...Aaaaw! I can't believe so many people actually enjoyed our chapter, Leviathan. I wasn't expecting to receive so much love and support."

"I had no doubt in my mind they were going to love you, madame. But even I'm surprised at just how much they've given you." Leviathan looks over to the remaining letters, apparently fan mail, and extends his tail out to grab another once Squigly sat the last one down after reading it. "And we still have a few more to go. Things are certainly up for you."

"Surely I can't take all the credit." She says, now taking the note and tearing it open from the top. "You're just as much to thank for this success as I am. We're equals, a team. Without you there is no me."

"You flatter me, Squigly. I can't thank you enough for your support."

Leviathan was being just as adorable as his host, as if that was even possible for a gentlemen of his caliber, he smiles and closes his eyes while bowing respectfully to his host...hostess, it should really be hostess since she's a girl, but that's a story for another time.

Squigly reads through the letter and is taken away by the loving support of her fans yet again, reading every line just made her tingle with joy. She couldn't contain herself, she brings the letter to her chest and lets out a fangirly squeal while kicking her feet into the air. Leviathan loved every second seeing his host so happy, if he had feet he'd probably join her, but then again not really.

"I just can't take it! I have to share this with the others!" She pulls her feet up to the point where her knees reached her forehead and she rolls upright and stands on the mattress. "I bet Filia and the Player got some fan mail too."

"They put in just as much work, I bet they do." Leviathan concurred.

Squigly grins brightly and jumps off the bed and lands on the floor...not before losing her balance, falling forward and landing flat on her face. A loud THUD could be heard from downstairs, the girls bedroom was right over the living room where the Player and Filia currently were; the Player was pacing back and forth while Filia was reading a book on the couch with Butterscotch on her lap.

Squigly coming down the stairs could be heard before appearing a few seconds later. "Hey, guys!" She greets them.

Filia looks over to Squigly and smiles. "Hey, Squigly. How are you?"

"I'm doing just wonderful! I've been going through so many fan letters that I'm actually overwhelmed by all the love."

"That's great!" Filia was happy to hear of her friends success but didn't have much to offer outside of that.

"Did you guys get anything in the mail?" Squigly asked sounding excited. "Any fan mail?"

"Nope." Filia flatly answered.

"Nuh-uh." Samson followed up in a similar tone.

The Player didn't even answer, he just kept pacing with a cigarette in his mouth.

"...Oh." The excitement Squigly once had was now gone, it certainly wasn't what she was expecting. Now she noticed the Player and looks at him. "Player, are you ok?"

He stops pacing to give her some attention. "No, Sienna. Girl, I got bigger things on my mind right now." He begins pacing again but stops shortly after starting. "Look at me, Sienna." He removes the cigarette out of his mouth and jerks it to focus her attention on it. "Look at me. Look at what I'm doing to myself. Just LOOK at what I've been reduced to."

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