- Encore: Chapter 5 -

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The pale moon towered over the distant Grand Cathedral, highlighting its eerie and ominous presence during the night as the Player and Squigly approach.

The Player shivers at the sight, dreading what awaited them beyond the church walls, but his mission was more important than letting fear get the better of him, and with Squigly coming along, practically acting as bodyguard, he was able to calm his worries.

"There it is. Stay on your toes, there's no telling what kind of trouble we're in for." The Player warns, breaking the silence between them.

"How strange. It doesn't look out of the ordinary." Squigly observes.

"Trust me, once we get inside all hell is going to break loose."

"He's right." Leviathan interjects. "With each step the Skullgirl's trail becomes more potent."

Squigly closed her eye and focuses her thoughts, within seconds she detects Marie's Theonite. "...Ah. Now I see. I sense it too, but her presence is weak."

"It's because she used most of her power to save the people in New Meridian." The Player said, thinking back to what happened in the city.

He remembered the look of exhaustion and remorse on Marie's face while she was doing everything in her power to prevent casualties.

"...Nobody could help her. Nobody would've wanted to help her."

"It is unusual to see a Skullgirl act beyond their lust for destruction." Leviathan mentioned.

"...Are Skullgirls really that bad?"

The question took Squigly and Leviathan by surprise. It was hard to believe the sincerity of the of the question considering all previous Skullgirls caused national crisis.

"If you're unfamiliar with Skullgirl behavior I can only assume you're not from around here?" Leviathan inquired curiously.

"No. I've only been around for a few days, but I did some reading on Canopy's history on my way to the kingdom and it mentioned the original goal of the last Skullgirl, Nancy, she wished upon the Skullheart for peace. That doesn't sound bad."

Hearing that name made Squigly and Leviathan look to the Player, puzzled.

"Nancy?" Leviathan questioned. "Surely you don't mean Nancy...Renoir? The queen of our kingdom?"

"Yeah, that's her. She became the Skullgirl in hopes of establishing peace between the warring kingdoms."

The Player continued walking but Squigly stopped in her tracks.

"...But- No... That can't be right." She muttered. "Leviathan, the last Skullgirl... It was..."

The Player, realizing Squigly wasn't following him, stopped and turned back to her.

"Is something wrong?"

"Sir 'Player,' are you certain the book was creditable?" Leviathan asked in Squigly's stead since she remained silent.

"Oh yeah, it's legit. Nancy's gone, but her daughter, Parasoul, is the leader of the kingdom now. Not sure why people still address her as a 'princess' though."

Squigly clenched her fist at her chest, the length of her sleeves had hidden the gesture from the Player, but She lowered and shook her head to further express her disbelief.

"This doesn't make any sense. The last Skullgirl was my mother." Squigly said with a hint of grief.

"Really? Are you and Parasoul related?" The Player asked.

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