Writer Update: Cancelling This Story

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Just kidding. Ha! You should've seen your face.

But seriously, how's it going everybody? I know I don't have to say it's been a while since I last posted a chapter because...yeah, it's been a while. I like to make these little author updates so that nobody thinks I've abandoned the story, I even had a few people ask me if that was the case. For those of you who are just joining us this is how I roll.

I want to be honest and tell the truth as to why I haven't had any updates: procrastination. Seriously it makes no sense how much time I've wasted doing everything except what I need to do. My creative flow gets jumbled up and everything just comes to a halt. Whenever I try to force myself to finish these chapters I either drift off onto YouTube, social media or jump on my PS4 and play games. Almost every day I say "I think I'll finish a chapter once I get home." but what happens? I come home and do everything except write a chapter. And quite frankly I've been getting very annoyed with myself because of it, and I don't know how to fix it. It's an issue I desperately want to work on.

That's not to say progress isn't being made. I'm well into a handful of chapters, 7 as a matter of fact...all at the same time. Jesus Christ. On the bright side most of the are already halfway done. I just need to overcome this annoying procrastination phase and they'll be out for your eyes to read.

If you remember back in the Milestone update back in May 2018(Oh my god) I mentioned I was working on 4 chapters: The 1st was supposed to be Beowulf focused chapter, the 2nd was a Painwheel focused chapter, the 3rd was meant to be a Heart Synchronization chapter and the 4th was supposed to be that special Skullgirls x Ghost-Spider x Kill la Kill x RWBY crossover. A lot has changed since then and we're gonna talk about it.

Firstly is the order change: Beowulf and Painwheel chapters are still included but Beowulf is no longer the first chapter that'll be out. There's a really important development I've already reached in Beowulf's chapter that will throw the timeline out of whack if I have the events of his chapter be the first out. I'm going to give brief summaries on what the chapters will be about so we'll already have an idea what we're in for, kind of like an episode guide if you will, but if you want to go in blind then feel free to skip it.

Upcoming Chapters

Heroic League of Badassery: Now that the Medicis are out of commission crime around the city skyrockets - the once organized nightlife has become a scramble to gain control of their old territory among the lesser known criminals. The Player, Filia and Squigly put their teamwork to the test by making an effort to get crime under control and keep the streets of their neighborhood safe...by becoming vigilante crime fighters.

Return of the Howl: The kingdom's greatest hero returns! In wake of the new Skullgirl panic Beowulf makes a legendary comeback to Wulfamania. The show must go on, and this time it's being taken to the streets of New Meridian. In times when fear divides the people the wolf now howls in a pack as he takes on the apprenticeship of a new star, up and coming, the Player. Along with his agent, Zane, the trio work to restore hope in the people, but something sinister lurks in the shadows, a creature higher in the food chain, waiting to devour the wolf and his new pack.

Birthday Blowout: What was meant to be a simple day spent with friend's celebrating Filia's birthday turns into a city wide chase from the Chess Kingdom's military forces after the Player, Filia and Squigly befriend a young woman with extraordinary power.

Strife: The fighting is finally over. The Skullgirl is gone, order is being restored and Valentine is MIA, but the damage has been done. Disowned by her family Carol continues her rehabilitation from the monstrous Painwheel transformation at the Anti-Skullgirl Labs. Despite her hardships she still has her best friend to see her through the darkness.

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