Chapter 15.5: Divine Intervention

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Unknown World
Time Immoral

The two enigmatic sisters stand across from one another pinching their index fingers and thumbs together on each hand.

They carefully craft a thin thread of sandy gold and deep black energy by slowly pulling their fingers apart.

The two threads were products of time and space respectively.

Once created, the sister release the thread from their fingers and they float above a summoning circle they conjured beforehand.

The circle had an intricately designed crest in the center that was above mortal comprehension, surrounding the crest was a range of unique celestial markings and writing.

The sisters bite their thumbs just enough to draw small samples of blood to the surface, which they held out to let the drops fall onto the circle.

It seemed the blood caused a reaction, the suspended threads of time and space spiral together until coming together and summoning forth a pillar of light from the summoning circle that shoots into the void above.

Eventually, there was an echoing boom that could be heard exclusively to the divine ear and the sisters look on.

"Phase one complete," the bespectacled sister said with a look of satisfaction.

"Indeed. The gate will open soon, so we should hurry to the garden before mother finds out," the hourglass sister responds, looking to her sibling with her eyes closed.

The former sister pokes at the air ahead of her and a doorway of light manifests for the duo to pass through.


Elsewhere, a collection of individual landmasses float amidst a vast white space of purity.

Each landmass was a natural paradise with unparalleled beauty; pure water, serene forests, titanic plains of grass and wild flowers, trees that bear fruit incapable of losing their health, caverns beneath the surface with untouched grace, and rivers that stretched to the ends of the land where the water cascades off the edge.

It seemed the inhabitants of the land were creatures of pure light that took the form of mythical creatures and animals from different time periods, including ones that haven't even existed on the geological time scale.

It was heaven on whatever plane of existence it resided.

The Garden
Time Immoral

While there were many creatures of light, a lone woman sat under a shady tree reading a book.

She had back length hair and wore a white toga with golden accessories, including a laurel wreath headdress, and sandals.

There was a distant boom from above and a small quake that caught the woman's attention.

Distracted, she looks up to the landmass in the sky and sees a large mushroom cloud expanding and chunks of earth breaking from under the floating land.

On said island, there were two other females; a young woman, physically appearing in her late teens with shoulder length hair, and a girl around her early teens, roughly 13-15 with shorter and more spikier hair.

They wore white togas, but they were maintained in different styles; the youngest of the three wore black shorts under hers.

As the mushroom cloud grew larger, the two girls stood on opposites sides of the cloud but soon rush in and clash at the center, producing a shockwave that completely cleared out the massive cloud and caused a tremor.

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