Halloween Special: A Nightmare in Canopy Pt.2

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Despite protests and pleads from the Player the group splits up to search the house for Umbrella. Parasoul leaves to check the west wing of the manor and Squigly takes the east leaving the Player, along with Filia, to check upstairs. The storm grew worse as the night went on.

The Player walks down one of the long hallways while Filia clings to his arm timidly.

"I-I can't believe they wanted us to split up."

The Player, who wasn't even in the mood to care anymore, carried a candlestick to guide their way. "Look on the bright side, we're the only ones who actually have common sense and are sticking together. Then again, you refused to go off on your own and tagged along."

"I'm not scared!"

"I never said you were." He laughs at her outburst.

Filia just gave herself away and blushes at her own mistake. "Hush..." She turns the other way, looking out to the window, to hide her rosy cheeks. "I'm just here to be your bodyguard so YOU wouldn't be scared."

Thunder crashed, detonating loudly with a menacing boom. Filia's eyes widen and she shrieks, wrapping both arms around the Player's arm and hiding her face in his shoulder.

"AH! Make it stop!"

"Nngh! C'mon, Filia. You're usually never scared of anything."

"We've never been in a situation like this... This house gives me the creeps. Aren't you scared?"

"Scared? Why would I be scared? I have you and you've got Samson."

Filia blinked twice while looking up to him. "Oh yeah! Samson!" Remembering this crucial fact influenced her to continuously pat her head. "Samson. Samson!"

Samson groaned with each tap and swats Filia's hand away. "Nnnnghhh..."

"Samson? C'mon... Wake up."

"NNNNGGH!" The parasite was still swatting away at her hand. He clearly wasn't ready to be woken up.

The Player sighs and bonks Samson on the head. "Hellooooooooo-"

Rather than swatting at the Player Samson balls up a fist and swings it clean across the Player's face, making him tumble back into a wall.

"Are you ok?!" Filia asks.

The Player rotates his jaw and looks at Filia. "You son of a bitch!" He lashes out and grabs onto Samson, pulling away at him.

The assault was meant for the parasite but Filia was getting all the punishment by having her head pulled. Despite the Player's attempts Samson wasn't reacting outside of that one punch he delivered.

"Play-er! St-op!"

"No way, Filia, that hurt. This little bastard is gonna pay!"

"Samson's a-" Her head jerks back and her eyes widen, "really heavy sleeper! Once he's out he's out for the night!"

"You serious? Fine. Remind me to kick him in the ass later. Wait... Would his ass be yours?"

"No! And let go of my hair!"

The Player realized he was still holding Samson and releases him, thereby releasing Filia. "Oops. Sorry."

"You two are a handful..." She says while adjusting her locks.

The Player smirks bashfully and tries to distract Filia by turning his attention to one of the nearby doors in the hallway.

"Hey, Filia. Let's check this room out. Umbrella might be in here." He opens the door and, to neither of their surprise, finds that it was pitch black. The Player, who still had the candle, enters to brighten the room a bit.

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