Chapter 20: Nexus Verse

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Legend tells of an ancient artifact that can grant a woman's wish... The Skull Heart. However, if she is impure of heart her wish will be corrupted and she will be turned into an immensely powerful, twisted being of destruction; the Skullgirl.

The Threads of Fate: women predestined by the divine will of the Trinity to either wish upon the Skull Heart or destroy it alongside the Skullgirl for an unknown purpose.

The intertwined threads unravel at the lynchpin's hand... The Player; he who guides them to the fated clash using Heart Synchronization, a bonding phenomenon that serves as the antithesis to the Skullgirl's destructive power and the only force that can match it.

Fates converge to uncover the truth behind this vicious cycle of death and rebirth...


Unknown Location
Time Unknown

Double kneels before a statue dedicated to the Trinity, offering a prayer to the goddesses.

"...Yes. The Skull Heart remains in Marie's possession. There have been no sightings since the attack on Medici Tower. I can't sense her presence, though there have been loose traces of Theonite around the Grand Cathedral."

It appeared she was having full conversation with the statue despite its lack of reply.

"Yes. Yes. Loathe as I am to admit it, those who were meant to slay her and take her place have diverged off the intended path. His influence was far greater than anyone could have prepared for. Oh? I... I see. Is Mother aware? Hmm, interesting. No, if that's what you desire then it shall be. Yes. The Fallen? I understand. Of course. I will await their arrival and when the time comes I will see to it they follow the destined path. Yes. Goddesspeed."

She makes signs of the cross on herself as the 'conversation' ends.

"...Fates from beyond the boundary of everything we know without Mother's oversight," Double ponders the information, unsure what to make of it.

Any other time this information would've warranted a need for concern and yet Double slowly builds up to a smile when reflecting on all the events that spiraled the once organized roadmap into a cluster of chaos. In a strange way it was exciting.

"All who are chosen are pawns to the Trinity. No boundary is too great just as there is no heart they cannot reach, and so a new chapter begins."

She stands from her kneeling position and looks to the foreboding dark sky.

"Go with the grace of our goddesses, newborn Fates and transcend your fallible existence with their gift. Bring forth a new age of Skullgirls."


- The 1st Day -


The sound of footsteps running down a flight of rickety stairs could be heard.

Filia: MmmmMm! I know that delicious smell anywhere! Nothing makes my day brighter than waking up to your cooking.

Squigly: There she is. Good morning.

Filia: Morning, Squigly. Morning, Leviathan.

Leviathan: Good morning, Miss Filia.

Squigly: Morning, Samson.

Samson: Eh, hey. What's for breakfast? I'm starving.

Squigly: Pancakes and eggs.

Samson: That's it?! Where's the bacon and sausages? Waffles and French toast? We can't get through the day with that.

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