Class Notes #3: Synchronizing 101

615 20 33

Training Field
April 30th, 11:47

The Player and Filia stood across from each other while synchronized, Umbrella joined the gang for the first time on practice day after recently learning about Heart Synchronization and marvels at the Theonite aura engulfing Filia.

Squigly was sitting off to the side in a deep meditating trance with Leviathan.

"-Right, so let's try to control what the Theonite does when we release it," the Player said while already in the middle of discussing various practices with Filia.

"Okay," Filia nods.

Filia lifts her hand and the Player focused some Theonite into a baseball sized orb just above her palm. He gently bites his bottom lip and motions his fingers, an act that seemed to influence the Theonite ball by increasing and decreasing its size as well as taking various other forms, such as a spiked ball, cube, and prism before reverting back to its original ball form.

Once the Theonite was given shape the two carefully stabilize their link to perfectly balance the Theonite's power with its size.

"Alright... Throw it," the Player commands, focusing his sights on Squigly.

Filia instinctively turned in Squigly's direction and pitches the ball at her.

As the energy flies toward Squigly, the Player desyncs with Filia and synchronizes with Squigly, Filia's aura drops and Squigly's ignites the moment their link was established.

Squigly smiled once she felt the connection and goes on to perform a quick vocal note that she used to conjure a small magenta portal in front of her.

The Theonite ball flies into the portal and a second portal appears as a hole in the ground, spitting the ball out and launching it into the air.

Filia unsheathes her hairpin sword from the ground and Samson launches them into the air, flying toward the Theonite ball.

Filia slashes the energy ball in half and creates two smaller orbs from the split.

The Player focused on the two orbs and clutches both his hands into fists when Filia was out of range.

There was a small delay but the two Theonite orbs reacted to the Player's input: pulsating and producing smalls bolts of electricity that spirals around them.

The Player was hoping for a big payoff, but what he got was two small poofs that went off like weak firecrackers.

Seeing the result, the Player smacks his teeth in disappointment. "Goddamn it," he snapped his fingers.

Samson safely got Filia back on the ground and the Player desyncs with Squigly.

Unable to contain her excitement, Umbrella jumped up from her seated position and sprints to her friends with Hungern.

"Holy Trinity! That was so cool!" Umbrella cheered with shimmering eyes.

The Player looked down to her and chuckled. "Really? That wasn't much of a finale," he bashfully rubbed the back of his neck from Umbrella's praise.

"Not that! All the other stuff; Squigly and her portal thing! And the way you guys control Theonite! It's so cool!"

"We're all still learning, but it's nice to know we're making it look good regardless," Filia said as she approached with Squigly, smiling at the two with her sword in hand.

The Player turned to the girls and greets Squigly with a quick knuckle bump. "Sienna, great work on making those portals as quickly as you are. You're getting better each day."

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