Story Index

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Hey, readers! Just a quick note before you get started: This story has been ongoing for a few years now, as of writing this it is 2022 and come July it'll be turning 8 years old from its original publish date in 2014.

Because this story is nearly 10 years old there are a lot of chapters with special subtitles: Encore, Sidetracked, and so on. This index serves as quick guide on what to expect from the chapters so it's easier to jump in for any potential new readers.

Encore Chapters
The Encores are rewritten versions of the early chapters that were draft up when I was still in high school back in 2012.

Because those chapters were roughly unchanged for so long I decided to just make rewritten versions that fix a lot of issues and do away with a lot of cringy writing decisions I made in my teenage years.

The Encore chapters are the definitive versions of their original counterpart chapter, the reason for this comes from the big changes integrated into them, such as new scenes and dialogue revisions that helps the chapter flow better, but, admittedly, because I don't have an editor there will still be issues here and there.

If you want to get right into the story then just go straight for the Encore chapters.

I kept the originals for long time readers who already read them and for anyone who wants to see the original for comparison sake, or just to see how bad I was back then.

It also helps to avoid making Wonderful World of Skullgirls: Encore as a separate entity.

Sidetracked Chapters
These are short side stories that show what the characters are doing in between chapters during small timeskips and helps expand on the lore.

Since I felt the ideas weren't big enough to fit into a major chapter I made them their own thing.

Class Note Chapters
Rather than cramming training sessions into proper chapters and needlessly fattening them up, Class Notes are another round of shorts meant to help explain character abilities and how they work.

Special Chapters
These are usually longer than regular chapters or follow certain events like Holidays and things of that nature.

Omake Chapters
Inspired by Shonen anime omakes, these are utter nonsense and often written with a meta humor focus that allows me to poke fun at my own habits or the story itself. Nothing more, nothing less -- these are just in good fun.

Writer Updates
Writer updates are updates I like to make when I have extended absences, be it from work, lack of muse, or procrastination.

I also use these to post extras like summaries on planned future chapters or posting scrapped chapters.

This isn't in relation to subtitled chapters, but I feel it's still important to address for readers jumping in.

Throughout the Encore and later chapters I use images to provide quick visual references in hopes of painting a clearer picture for readers.

Let it be known, I don't own or claim any of the art I use for reference.

I primarily use official art from the game, but in the event I use any art outside of the game as a reference, the artist will be credited.

With all that said and done, I hope you enjoy and thank you for your time.

With all that said and done, I hope you enjoy and thank you for your time

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