Chapter 95: Catching people up

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"What is it?" Aizawa asked

Instead of explaining what I realized, I asked, "Did Yamada tell you what went down at the warehouse when we saved you?"

He thought about it before answering, " he didn't actually."

Just then my heart sank, realizing that I now have to explain the deeds that I have done. I was hesitant to speak, but eventually I did. "You remember in that vision I shown you how there was this huge dude that hit you?" He nodded his head. "Well..." I struggled to put my thoughts into words, so I settled with an idea. "Would you be okay if I were to show you from my point of view? So it'd be a vision like the other one that I showed you. The only downside is that you'll feel my emotions from that time."

"If you feel like that would be better than explaining it, then by all means. I'm fine with it, so it's up to you." he said in an understanding tone.

I stood up and walked towards him with shame in each step that I took. When I was close enough, I put my hand up. "Are you ready?" I asked, he just nodded his head. I brought my hand up a little higher, but then lowered it to the first position that I had. "Please don't be mad. I know I'm a horrible person."

He shook his head, "I won't be, I know that for a fact. So get on with it already before Hizashi get's back."

"Okay." I said quietly.

I brought my hand up and concentrated on sending my memories of the fight to him. His head fell so that his chin was touching his chest. He was like that for a few minutes until the memory was over. He raised his head as he kept a troubled look on his face. I grew nervous as my heart began to beat faster and faster, to the point that my chest began to hurt. I waited a minute or two before I spoke.

"So..." I said in a quiet nervous tone.

He didn't reply for a few more seconds. "I didn't know someone could harbor so much rage...not to mention the power of being able to kill someone instantly with just lifting a single finger...I mean, and those were people larger than All Might and you were able to lift them with just one hand..."

I walked back to the sofa as he spoke. I then sat there with my head down. "I know, I'm a horrible person. I've killed people, I've scared people shit less, I'm inconsiderate of how people feel, I'm self-centered, I'm-"

Aizawa cut me off, "You aren't any of those things. I'm just...surprised."

"How can you be just surprised? I've done such horrible things!" I said with disappointment in my voice.

"Those were horrible people, but that's besides the point. I'm surprised that you got so angry that you used a quirk that you never want to use." he paused, "How many times have you used that quirk before?"

"This was the second time." I responded quietly.

"What was the scenario for the first time?" He asked.

I didn't want to say, so I was silent for a few seconds. "I don't want to talk about that time. I don't regret many things, but that takes the cake of the few things that I do regret."

"I'm sorry." He apologized since he realized in my tone that I really meant it that I didn't want to speak of that time.

"It's fine..." I said understandingly.

Five minutes later of silence, Yamada walked in with a tray of our food. He sat the tray on a table as he said in his normal cheery tone, "Sorry it took so long, it was super busy." He took Aizawa's plate off the tray and put it on the table with wheels, then pushed it so that he'd be able to reach it with ease. "Here you go." He said with a smile as he pushed the little table closer to Aizawa.

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