The End

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New Law of Conduct from King Harold

Every one from this moment forward, will have no objections to having a formal life.

All children must have formal names.

Every husband should have a job and every wife stays at home for house work.

Children must attend school every day in the following months


•Money will be of noissue. Trading shall be the new way of life.

•Houses will be exactly the same from the outside. Inside shall be your only individualism

Long live King Harold 

The newest law had been hung in every town that day, the day King Harold Styles had conquered the entire world.

Not only did he do it out of anger, but out of rage.

Today, he fought with the devil and won. Today, he prepared himself for the witch to come.

Today, was the end of life as everyone knew it, and the beginning of a long tretrious life.

Hey guys!

The end of the second book in the series! NO more sorry!

I love you all, you are all beautiful :)

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