Chapter 3

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Rosies pov.

"I'm Harry by the way."

Harry says to me as he leads me to his car. I don’t know why I'm even going with him, but he gives off a good kind of vibe to me. He glances at me. Our eyes lock for a second and I see something flash behind his eyes. What it is, is unknown to me, but the look feels familiar. 

I see Harry's eyes light up when we get to a silver Porsche 911. He pulls out the keys and for the first time I notice he has super large hands.

Perries dirty comments come into play. 'Its from the top of the middle finger to the bottom of the palm.' I shudder from the thought, I just met this guy, for all I know he could be a murderer who kidnaps people, I shouldn’t want to fuck him, no matter how hot he is.

"Wanna drive?"

Harrys playful smirk appears out of nowhere and he dangles the keys in front of my face. I giggle foolishly, the alcohol affecting my actions slightly. I shook my head no and glanced in the direction of Zayns car.

Zayn and Perrie were kissing like nothing just happened ten minutes ago, and it made my blood boil. Harry notices my sudden anger and touches my shoulder lightly.

"Are you okay love?"

I snap my head back at him, confusion rushing over me. Here was this hot guy, strong and sexy, and he seemed to care about my feelings? Yes, Zayn was attractive, but it was different. Me and Zayn grew up together, I just met Harry.

Thoughts of Harry doing drugs and drinking made me think it was slightly less odd, but I didn’t exactly want to get in a car with a drunk driver. Shaking my head and  going back to what Harry asked me, I smiled lightly.

"I'm fine."

Harry gave me an unconvinced look and glanced the direction I was looking at, Zayn and Perrie. He shook his head, a hard look in his eyes came the longer he stared at them.

Harry looked back at me, lost in his thoughts. His eyes showed he was lost in his own world, one that at the time does not include me.

"He's not worth your time, and neither is she if they left you and didn’t care what you saw. You need someone who loves you, and only you."

The way Harry spoke was rude and yet at the same time it struck me kind of as romantic. As I was thinking of the many ways that meant, I felt woozy, and started to pass out.

Dramatic and the wrong time right?

Damn alcohol.

I can hear Harrys voice quietly cursing and I feel two strong arms lift me from my spot and carry me into a car. To weak to fight back or figure out what was happening, I left my thoughts to lay out in front of me.

The way Harry said those words about love, it made me think.

Did he mean he liked me? Or that he should have loved someone but didn’t? Did he know someone who wanted to love me? Or was someone no faithful and lied to him?

The thought of someone lying to Harry is heartbreak- No, it is in general a type of sad and upsetting. Not heartbreaking, you would actually have feelings for the person for that to happen.

Is that why I felt heartbroken seeing Zayn and Perrie? Did I have feelings for Zayn? Of course I did, he was with me no matter what, and being around only one guy constantly… Well, it makes you have feelings for the person, wanted or not.

Of course I was heartbroken, I wanted nothing more but to see Zayn and her only on occasion, and never wanted to see that of all things. It is too much for my small body  and mind to handle.

Do I blame Perrie?

Yes and no, I mean she lied that she wanted to be a virgin, but no she didn’t see it through that I would possibly come at that time and see that. Plus, I love her too much to hate her, so I don’t blame her at all.

She was always here for me and was always the nicest person ever to me, I should walk out on her because of something like this. They just don’t know my feelings toward Zayn, and they never will.

When the car hits a bump I then realize the car has been started and was now driving to an unknown location. My worst fears come into my head as I wake up in a more sober state. I fear that if it is not Harry in that drivers seat I will be heavily screwed.  

Warily, I look into the drivers seat and let out a heavy sigh of relief when I see Harry, running his hand through his hair nervously. Watching him quietly, I notice he never takes his eyes off the road, but he occasionally puts his hand back and places it on my cheek, rubbing it softly.

It makes me admire how calm he is although nervous. When he finally stops the car and turns the engine off, he looks back at me, and I shut my eyes.

I cant believe I actually went with him, a total stranger, someone who could kill me. I don't understand my drunk self, they seem to be a completely less trustworthy person. I have to remind myself not to get drunk anymore, or I'll be in situations like this more often.

He opens the door and shuts it, and for a while I think he is going to leave me in there, so I check where he went. I see him opening the door and leaping down the stairs to come get me, catching my eye in the process.  I smile sheepishly to make it seem like I just woke up, but I don’t seem to be even fooling myself.

"Good Morning my Sleeping Beauty."

He says as he gets to my door. He urges the need to carry me, and I oblige, making him smile his perfect, genuine smile. I have come to like that smile in the mere hours I've known him. It's like his happy smile, whenever you see that smile, you know he is happy.

Harry walks me inside and I unhook my arms from his neck, blushing heavily. I take a look around the flat and notice its quite clean and well managed. Harry gentle grabs my hand, giving me a small smile.

"You can take my bed, I'll sleep on the floor. Oh, and you can borrow a t-shirt for pajamas if that’s okay."

He is nervous, it is laced in his voice, and it makes me find him adorable in a nerdy type way, although he looks more like a jock type person.

Never judge a book by its cover though, so I wont completely judge Harry yet, especially not by my few hours with him, most of the time half drunk.

Harry leads me to his room where he hands me a t-shirt and points to the bathroom, where I can change. I strip, ridding my body of the sweaty and now disgusting dress in my eyes, and changing into a shirt that is 4 times my size. It ends at my knees and makes me look as innocent as I feel.

Walking out, I see Harry rake my body over with his eyes and I immediately feel self conscious and nervous.  He smiles at me and walks towards me, a sly smirk on his lips.

"You look good Rose. Why don’t you go get some rest and I'll take care of everything?"

He wraps me in his arms, sleep immediately becoming a greater need as I stand there. I hug Harry back, the need to do it becoming just as intense as the need to sleep. Harry pulls me away and dips his head down, brushing his lips slightly across my cheek.

"Good night, my Sleeping Beauty."

Hey guys!

I love you all and hope for more updating in the future for me!

I'm just getting busy a lot and want to not have to make you lovely people wait for this book!

I love you all!

Remember, you are beautiful :)

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