Chapter 7

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Harrys pov.

Staring at her with wide eyes and the spatula in hand, I almost lost my jaw in the process of trying to close it. I was both suprised she remembered, let alone bothered to ask someone she just met a few days ago.

Like, bitch its called privacy.

"Um... How are you feeling? Sleep well enough?"

I rushed to fix a plate of eggs and bacon and placed it neatly on the counter, ushering Rosie to sit on the stool. Giving her a sideways glance, I noticed she was giving me a humourus look.

"Harry, next time just say its personal."

She laughed quietly and managed to sniffle a giggle, holding in whatever laughter she still had. I smiled lightly and placed my hand on top of hers.

"Theres a small mall up the street. I was wondering if you wanna go shopping since we couldn't go on our big date last night."

Opening her eyes wide, she opened her mouth like she just remembered our date. She looked guilty and upset but I just smiled.

"Oh my god Harry I'm so sorry!"

laughing at her I intwined our fingers, remembering the touch like it was yesterday.

"Its okay love, just accept the offer, I'm buying."

She laughed and I joined her, mising every moment with her before, even if I was a douche and a jerk to her before. She doesnt remember that.

"I have nothing to wear up there though Harry."

Frowning, I stood up along with her and lead her upstairs where I had a room for her and some old clothes she use to wear. I showed her them and her frown faded.

"Oh, Harry, I'm sorry, these mustbe your girlfriends, its okay I wont wear them."

She was turning around when I caught her elbow and pulled her close to me. Our eyes locked and for a second I was afraid she could see into my head and see all the past she was suppose to forget.

"I don't have a girlfriend love, not just yet."

Winking I lightly pushed her towards the clothes and closing the door so she couold get ready for the day. Dialing Zayn again, I get fusterated when he yet again doesn't answer. After the third try, he finally picks up.

"Hey there Zayn."

My voice greets him all to sweetly for him to think I was happy. I was picturing him choking and next thing I heard on the phone was it dropping and Zayn gasping for air.

"Now listen here Zaynie poo. Next time Avery runs to me because of something your stupid ass did, I will make sure to kill you."

Letting go of the mental grip on him throat, I hanged up the phone, throwing it at the wall. Leaving a good sized hole and a loud bang, the phone dropped. Rosie ran out, panicing, and giving me a nervous look. 

I just smiled, trying to play it off the best I could without giving her a mental heartattack from whatever she thought just happened.

"My phone was being stupid and froze on me in an important call.

She smiled and the look of nervousness left her body. She reminded me so much of Harley, it killed to look at her.

Four years without my girlfriend and my best mates. My kid doesnt even know I'm her father and she's my daughter. She doesnt even realize she has hair exactly like mine.

She just thinks Louis is her dad and Eleanor is her mother. All she knows is I was never around for her first word, steps, smile. Nothing. I was out of the picture completely, and it was my fault.

"Well, hows breakfast at the diner sound?"

Smiling, she gave me a thumbs up and a funny face before going back to the room to change. I wanted so badly to call Zayn again and kill him... Better late then never I could say.

Rosie came back out with some shorts and a pretty red, lacy tanktop. I grabbed her hand and walked to my car, opening the door for her.

"Harry, your really nice, I've figured that out when I first met you."

I smiled, closing the door and grinning ear to ear. This is exactly what I wanted, her to fall madly in love with me before she gets her memories back. Lets just hope they stay away a little longer.

"Well thank you Rosie..."

"Rosie Grace"

"Rosie Grace. I've come to think the same, except your nice, and beautiful."

I said once I got in the car and started it. Before pulling out of the drive I caught her blushing and pecked her cheek, hoping I filled her heart with butterflies.

Score one for Harry, zero for memories.

Hey guys!

Have to start doing smaller updates now that school started!

Thoughts on Hasie? Havery?

What happens next????

Love you all!

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