Chapter 26

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Rosies pov.

I did what I was told not to one last time.

I went in the basment.

So many people told me that the truth was hidden down there. So many people hinted to me that the reality of life was down there.

I went searching around 3 in the morning. My legs burned from waist to thigh from a night of sex with Harry. He was gentle but at the same time rough.

 looked for a vase like Niall originally told her, but the more she looked, the less hopefull she got.

Nothing was there. Absolutely empty except for a couch, bed and a small table.

I walked the room over and over again until I bumped into something. I looked around and saw nothing, so kept walking. It was the third time I had done it that I noticed something was weird.

I moved my hands around until my left hand touched something. I jumped back, horrified. Nothing was invisible. It was impossible.

I touched it again, noticing it was round and large in diameter. Lifting it up, I noticed it weighed nothing.

I dropped it when it started shaking and turning blue-ish/purple.

It broke open, and with a quiet laughter of a little girls voice, and a burst of light, a young, teenage girl appeared.

"Sissy! Long time no see! Obviously you cant remember me, but who cares. Hi, I'm your sister Lily, and I'm here to make your life into a living hell."

A perky voice matched her obviously excited facial expression. She sisn't seemed phase at all when I tried to hit her. My punch barely moved her.

"Sissy, you really think 6 years without training will alow you to actually hurt me? No, I don't think so."

She circled me, raising my hair and throwing it back to my back. She clearly was disgusted by me, but I was too scared to say anything.

"Well. You changed a lot."

I gave her a weird look, still confused. She huffed out a sigh like she was annoyed and sat in mid air.

"Who are you? Why do you talk like you know me?"

She laughed, amused. I got a good look at her face and noticed she had the same bright blue eyes as me and facial structure. She wore a long dress of light green and her skin was beyond pale.

"I'm your sister, Lily. You shot me 5 years ago, and to be honest, I wanted to thank you for that. Being dead is way better than being alive."

I shook my head in disbelife. I would never shoot someone, let alone have a sister.

"Now, I know you are confused right now." She pulled a bright blue light out from her pocket, it constantly moved, making patterns inside itself. "But here are your memories. I am willing to give them to you for one price. Give me your baby."

Rosie knew immetiately knew she would say no, but she suddenly had an urge to say yes. 

"I don't have a baby though."

Lily laughed, clearly annoyed with questions.

"Oh, yes you do. Her name is Harley and she is under the impression Louis and Eleanor are her parents. You don't  love her, but you do want your memories. So, make a deal with me. Let me have your child."

Rosie seriously considered it, but she didn't understand anything. She always wanted answers, not just more excuses.


Harrys pov.

I sensed something wrong the moments my mental vase shattered. I was in such a deep sleep, I was begging my self consious to let me wake up. I took 20 minutes more than I should have to wake up, but it didn't seem to matter to my mind.

I rushed out of bed and ran to the basement to see a horrible scene in front of me. Lily pushing Averys memories into Rosie. I tried to stop it but it was too late.

A burst of green lair pushed us all away from Rosie, as the memories then became permanent once again.

She layed unconsious for minutes on end, as I killed Lily, mentally strangling her. She coughed out words, scaring me for life.

"She-she gave me your baby-  we shook hands on it Harry- She- gave up your child- in- o-ne second."

In that moment, I was broken. Rosie didn't know what she had gotten into. I let Lily go out of shock. She flew away in seconds before I could grab her again.

I laid by Rosie, waiting in agony for her to wake up.

I cried for as long as I could remember, because I knew her mind was taking a journey through her once horrible life and then through her life with me.

She was re-experiencing me.

I called all the boys telepthically, explaining it through sobs and broken sentences. I also explained my plan and for them to come downstairs.

Niall grabbed the chains that once held him down. Zayn grabbed bottles of morphine and syrines. Louis grabbed clothes and food for the basement kitchen.

We set to work, hoping she wouldn't wake up anytime soon. I figured we had a half hour tops, so we used super speed for everything. Within 20 minutes, Niall had Rosie chained to the floor on her back. Louis had her in new clothes, and Zayn was putting morphine into her system.

I grabbed each of their hands, as we circled her, re-thinking the plan one more time.

"We have you here with us mate. It will all be okay."

Louis patted my shoulder and we started to chant.

We were starting the end of everything. The end of all things normal, plain, calm. The end of the prolouge of our story. Our life.

Rosie was going to be a demon.

Hey guys!!!!!!

Rosie gave up her child?!?!?!?!? Whatttt!?!?!?

Tell me your thoughts on the story :)

I feel like no one is reading this and it has hit rock bottom.

Want this story to stay or go? Please tell me :)

Thank you, I love you all :)

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