Chapter 8

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Rosies pov.

Harry drove us to a small diner a few minutes away called 'The little Betty'. Harry sang as we drove, his voice as pure as an angels.

When we got there he ran over to my door and opened it for me like a gentleman. I have to admit, I'm starting to have a crush on the perfect boy. But perfect has a dark side, something I enjoyed finding in everyone.

We sat down in a booth, a young teenage girl giving us water, flashing the top of her boobs at Harry, making me roll my eyes and groan. Harry laughed at me, giving me a perfect smile.

"I recomend the BLT here, and the chicken lemon rice soup, and the-"

"Hello, my name is Miranda. What can I get you guys to drink?"

Bitchy ass server was back, getting on my nerves already. I asked for a coke and Harry asked for a Sprite. She flashed Harry a smile and didn't think twice about me.

Thanks bitch.

Me and Harry were chatting about our livesthe whole time, him not even bothering to touch the napkin Miranda gave him with her number on it. Actually, he didn't bother to look twice at her in general.

I learned a lot about Harry during our conversation. He has 4 best friends names Zayn, Louis, Liam, and Niall. I was told I would be good friends the most with Louis. Louis is married to a girl name Eleanor, and they have a kid named Harley.

I learned Harry's favorite colour is blue and orange, he likes chick flicks, he enjoys swimming, and he hates hair cuts, paper cuts, and any cuts in general.

When we finished eating we went back to Harry's house and stared at each other out of boredum. Finally Harry found the courage to speak first.

"Wanna watch a movie?"

 Harry put on Titanic, crying his eyes out at the end. By the finish he was yelling at the tv, saying Jack is still alive. I laughed so hard when he threw the remote at the floor.

"Jack could have gotten on the damn raft you selfish bitch! Love him and let him get on there with you! And don’t let go!"

He stomped around the room, in fury, naming things the thought of the movie, which consisting of bitch, evil, horrible, worst movie ever made, whore, trash.

When he finally sat down he pulled me into his lap and smiled.

"That’s my favorite movie ever."

I couldn't help but laugh hysterically.

"Oh really? Mr. Worst movie ever?"

He smiled and chuckled to himself.

"I guess I got  a tad mad."

Kissing his forehead I laughed, going into the kitchen to get a drink when I stubbed my toe and screamed out, my toe started to pound with unbearable pain, making me cry out.

Harry rushed to my side within a few seconds, picking me up and inspecting me. His eyes trailed up and down my body, making me both edgy and excited.

"I... I just stubbed my toe, its okay though, you can put me down."

Harry smiled, his lips brushing against mine.

"Well, my Sleeping Beauty can't afford to touch a dirty ground, so I'll settle for carrying you everywhere from now on."

I hit him playfully and jumped out of his arms, only to be picked up again.

"Ah, ah, ah. Trying to be a peasant then? To bad, your to pretty for that."

I blushed hard and let him carry me to the couch, laying down with exaustion.

The rest of the day was spent watching movies, me pondering over Harry and my past. I wanted to ask him so many things, but I knew they all had to wait. Until I settled into the fact my whole life was fake.

 Resting on Harrys lap, I reached up and played with the curls by him neck, tugging them slightly. I've never been close to a guy before other than Zayn. Zayn...

"Harry, you said you were friends with a guy named Zayn... Does he happen to be Zayn Malik?"

"Yeah, why did he do something wrong? Do you know him?"

I shifted uncomfortably and stared straight into his eyes with great discomfort.

"He use to be my friends, and he use to be the love of my life."

Hey guys!

So sorry for the late update!

my power was out andd so was the internet! (mental sobs)

Anywyas, updation tomorrow! YAY!

Love you all, you are beautiful, don't forget that :)

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