Chapter 13

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Averys pov.

I thought all was great until Harry gave me a heart attack by scaring me. He was hiding in the bathroom when I was looking for him he jumped out and I almost peed my self.

"Fucking Hell Harry, what were you thinking!"

I yelled, trying to capture my breath. He was playing little, innocent tricks that made me want to kiss him and hit him all at the same time. 

He was so cute recently and loving I really didn't know what we were. I wanted to talk to him about it, but I never had the courage. Maybe today I would conjure up that courage.



"Can we talk?"

Harrys green eyes flashed back and forth between my eyes and my lips.

"Sure baby. What's on your mind?"

I took a breath and led him to the couch. I sat on one side, making sure not to be too close to Harry incase I didn't like what I heard.


"What's wrong?"

I stared at him, growing weaker and weaker the longer I looked at him. He was staring so intently, I though he could see right through me.

"What are we Harry?"

I didn't know whether his eyes sparkled more with happiness or joy. He seemed excited to hear these words, like it was music to his ears.

"Well, what do you want us to be, because just friends seems a little far back for us."

He leaned closer to me, scooting closer as well. He was a few inches away from my face to the point I could feel his breath on my face. His minty breath stinging my eyes.

"Well, I thought the same..."

Harry smiled, touching the side of my face with his hand.

"Would you be my girlfriend Rosie?"

He didn't even wait for a response, he just planted his lips on mine. Everything felt right, the moment, the way our lips moved in sync.

He pulled away, smiling and staring in my blue eyes once again.

"I've liked you from the moment I met you. Your gorgeous body, innocence, personality. Everything was perfect for you, everything is still perfect. Your perfect Rosie, and now, your all mine."

Those words sounded like heaven in my ears. I thought I had just won the biggest lottory ticket ever. It felt amazing.

"Want to go meet my friends?"

I smiled, nodding. I wanted to know everything about Harry possible. i wanted to be his everything. Although everything had moved so fast, he has shown me nothing but compassion.


We pulled up to a big black brick house, the size looking just a little bigger than Harrys already large flat.

"This is Louis house. He invited Laim over, but you still have to meet Zayn and Niall. Trust me, you will get along so well."

We walked to the front door and knocked, a tall boy with long brown hair and sea green eyes that looked slightly blue. He had a cocky smile, pure white teeth. He wore a black t-shirt and gray shorts.

"Rosie! Hi, I'm Louis, but call me Lou!"

He hugged me, squeezing me so hard I lost my breath.

"Nice to meet you Lou."

Lou went around introducing me to everyone. His wife Eleanor, Laim, Journey was even there.

Journey was Liam's girlfriend, they had a child named Johanna, who resembled Journey so much, I stared at her for a few minutes straight.

 The one person who intrigued me most was Harley, Lous, child.

She seemed to stick out most of all. Quiet, sitting in the corner, minding her own buisness. She didn't even sound intereseted in the people ariving.

I walked over to her, kneeling on her left, staring at her. She glanced at me and gave me a toothly smile. She was missing 3 teeth, and she was adorable.

"Hi there."

I said quietly to her. I didn't want to scare her. I was a stranger to her and even though she didn't seemed frightened, I didn't want to change that.

She was a beautiful 4 year old with one blue eye and one green eye. She was playing her barbie doll as I sat beside her.

"Hi, you must be Auntie Rose."

She hugged me, pecking my cheek and continued playing with her dolls. I felt a connection with her. She was so special, I just didn't know how.

"Oh Harley, you know you don't assume."

Eleanor picked Harley up, touching her nose with her finger.

"No, no its okay Eleanor really. She's fine."

Harry came by my side and held my waits tightly, making me feel protected.

"El, mind if we take little Harley out for some ice cream?"

El scowled at Harry playfully but smiled, letting the now bouncing Harley down from her arms. Harley ran into Harrys arm, his arms throwing her up into his chest.

"Uncle Harbear! Ice Cream!"

I laughed. She was adorable and just so cute. Her eyes made her so special and this gave me a Chance to see how Harry was with kids.

"See you guys soon!"

and with that, we went to get Harley some ice cream.

Hey guys!

I couldn't make a picture of Avery but here's Robbie Kay instead!

I love you all, please vote and comment!

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