Chapter 20

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Harrys pov.

I walked to Rosie as fast as I could without breaking down and crying. I was trying hard to make sure I held it together for her, and it was hard.

I saw her playing by the ocean, sitting in the sand as the water tickled her feet. She was crying though, making me run to her.

"Rosie baby, what's wrong?"

I sat beside her, holding her, trying to make her feel better.

"I'm sad Harry, because all I see are happy people with children and an amazing family and skinny wives and beautiful wives. And here I am, ugly and fat, no children, and a guy I don't deserve."

She broke down into my arms, making me stare at her in awe. She thought all those things now, why didn't she ever tell me before?

You are beautiful, no matter what they say.

No, words can't bring you down.

You and beautiful in every single way,

yes word's can't bring you down.

So don't you bring me down, today.

I sang to her and rocked her back and forth, trying to make her relax.

I stared into her tear stained eyes, wondering why something so precious could feel that way about themselves.

"What do you want me to do?"

She shook her head, clearly not ready to talk or move away from my arms.

"You said you wanted a family? How about we make the wedding sooner, and we can have a family?"

She jerked her head up, clearly stunned I said that.I wondered what was running through her head when I said it. I knew if I could make her love me even more than right now, there would be no way shape or form that she could go back to the way she was.

"You... You think we could do that?"

She didn't know what to think, and honestly, neither did I. I knew I was mean and cruel, but hey, Love makes people do crazy things.

"Baby, I love you unconditianally. I would do anything to make you happy and if this makes you happy, I'll do this too."

She gave me the most heartwarming smile, I almost broke. I amlost begged on my hands and knees for her to frogive me. I almost went to Lily and forced her to give all her memories back.

But I held it together.

I did it for the same reason I erased her memories, the same reason I use to hit her whenever she went out of line, the same reason why I kiss her so passionately, the reason I will marry her in a few months.

Because I love her from the bottem of my heart to the top.

"Baby, let's go to the house. The boys left the best room for us and I have a suprise for you. I'm sure you will love it."

I carried her to the house despite her complaints to let her down. The house was still stunning even in the 5 years since we've been here. 

Big, black bricked, mansion, sitting in the middle of the island. The balcony was huge, reaching across each floor. Each level got smaller until the fours floor was a single master room wiht walk in closet and personal balconey.

Me and Rosie room.

I lead her through the house, making my way to the elevator and pressing the fourth number. Rosie was utterly astouded by the house. I would be too if I saw this house for the first time, but it wasn't so I'm not.

I lead her to our room and let her roam around, searching through all the beautiful things in the room.

I decided to take a nap and let her explore, texting Lou not to let her into the basement. He promised to watch her as I slept, so I shut my eyes and let my magnificant girl roam a demon house.

Rosies pov.

Harry was napping so I decided to roam around and explore. I walked to the elevator, pressing the number one. I was suprised to see that you needed a key to get into the basement.

I walked out of the elevator, bumping into Lou.

"Rosie! Whatchya looking for?"

I brushed my pant legs off and frowned, remembering the key to the basement.

"What's in the basement?"

Lou's face went from happy, to pissed. He had no sense of humor anymore, no loving brother aura around him. He was pissed.

"You never go in there. You understand?"

I nodded, hurrying along to the kitchen where Journey was. She sensed my fear right away and hugged me, holding into me.

"Tell me what happened."

I could barely process how mean and scray Louis had just sounded. How much warning was in his voice.

"Louis... He yelled at me, scared me... What is in that basement?"

She let go of me, handing me a key and walking me to a door with four locks on it.

"Tell me when you find out."

She walked away, whisphering to me what she was doing.

"You will understand. Go down there, I'll distract the boys. You will know everything from here on out. Don't tell me you arent curious what's down there."

She walked away, leaving me with a choice. Go down there and figure out what she was talking about or leave and not risk anyone mad at me.

I unlocked each lock carefully and quietly until I open the door and walk in. Closing the door, I walk down the staris, using my phone as a light. I find a switch and gasp at what I see.

I blond haired boy was in chians, groaning in agony.

He looked at me, face tight with pain. He gave me a puzzled look.


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