Chapter 31

301 11 5

2 years later

Harrys pov

I walked out of Rosalie's room, brushing the dried blood off my knuckles. At this point, I didn't know if it was my blood or hers.

I walked to Louis room and he smiled at me gratefully as I patted his shoulder, sitting on his bed next to him.

"Canada was taken over this morning. Technically the entire North American continent is yours already. Anything you need Haz?"

I smiled, staring at my own hands. I could just picture myself punching Rosalie minutes before I walked into Louis's room. Tears slowly formed in my eyes and I only spoke when they were about to fall unwillingly over the edge

"I fucked up Lou."

I stared crying and immediately, Louis was holding my shoulder against his body, rubbing his hand up and down my back. For two years he had allowed me to talk to him and rant, even told him parts of what I did to them.

"I love her so much Lou... W-why can't I stop hurting her..."

I hiccupped into his chest and for the first time in two years, Louis finally answered my question.

"Because she lost your daughter and every time you see her, that reminds you of your daughter."

I sat back, relaxing for a second on the bed before getting up and walking towards the door. I took a look around the room for the last time.

It was dark, the only light coming from a crack in the blinds. Black walls surrounded the room, matching with every other black item there. Louis wore black jeans and a black t-shirt, ready for another battle today. His desk was messy with writings and occasional drawings.

He had drawings of a girl wearing rags and had two different colored eyes, brown curly hair to match it. They were pinned to the wall, like he was afraid he would loose them if they weren't in plain sight.

"Nice picture's Lou. I figure you know who she is now?"

He stood up, making his way towards the pictures and touching one of them, shaking her head.

"I'm not sure, but she's at least 20 and beautiful."

"That's my daughter Lou."

His eyes widened and he looked nervous.

"I'm sorry Haz... I take that back if you thought it in an inappropriate way."

"No, it's fine Lou. Whoever finds her will win the privilege of marrying her. Now, lets get working on England. I believe battle will be an attack at midnight, so I suggest we leave around 11:30."

"Yes Haz."

I walked to the door, turning the knob. He was staring at the pictures still, traces of unknown love dancing around his eyes.

"Lou? When you find her, treat her like a queen."

I left before he had the chance to respond. I went to everyone else's room, telling them about plans to take over England, not once mentioning Louis, my daughter, or Rosalie.

I made it back to me and Rosalie's room to find her ironing newly cleaned clothes in a gown. They were the clothes she was wearing when I beat her.


"Yes Harry?"

"I'm really sorry baby but you need to know your place."

I touched her shoulder, kissing her cheek. She touched my face and continued her work, riding the clothes of an evidence that I ever hurt her.

"Its my fault, I should not have told you to be quiet."

"Baby, I love you."

"I love you too Harry."

Everything froze in time except for me. Hot bursts of air filled the room. A shimmering light filled every crack until it slowly disappeared.

"Harry Edward Styles. Need my help son?"

I glared at him, shaking my head slowly. He moved his blood red robes to the side as he sat on the bed, his overly large wings taking over the entire bed.

"What do you want?"

"Watch your tone boy, remember last time you commanded me to do something?"

I cringed at the bad memory, trying not to remember the feeling of every bone melting to goo, and being remade.

"Sorry. Now, can we please discuss the reason you are here?"

"You never called for me. Two years after the 60th curse, and you postponed meeting with me. So I decided to visit with you, stopping time so you don't have an excuse to ignore me. So, what are your plans for the day? England is what I heard, but don't you want to think a bit bigger?"

I scoffed, knowning he would want a part in this and that he would want me to take more than I could handle.

"I would help control the surrounding countries until your troops all arive. I suggest you take hold of England and Whales while I control Ireland and Scotland."

"And I suggest we just take England tonight. Spreadly slowly and then all at once."

His wings caused a flury in the room, Rosalie slowly freezing. I ran to her, holding her with my life.

"Do as I say my son."

"Yes Father."

He disappeared, and the temperature returnedd to normal, time restarting as if it never stopped. Rosalie continued ironing, handing me a warm shirt with plaid print on it. She shivered, falling on the floor, the iron landing inches from her face.


I grabbed her, holding her close to me. She was cold as ice, paler than ice. Words emerged on her arm, looking as if it was being carved into her with nothing visibly there.

Do as I say Son

I screamed, holding her as close as possible. She was shaking violently as I yelled for Liam. He appeared in the door way, immediately working on her.

I walked out of the house, Louis hot on my trail, expecting answers.

"We take over tonight, at 8. England, Whales, Ireland, and Scotland. Warn the boys."

Louis nodded, jogging back to the house. I ran to England, making it all the way to the Queens palace. I cause hysteria, killing all the palace gaurds until i had the entire royal family in front of me.

"You've ruled to long. Now, it's time for a change."

Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Niall arrived a few minutes after my rampage, admiring my handy work. I sent Louis and Zayn to Whales, knowing they were the strongest pair of us all except for me.

Niall pulled me to the side, walking us to the outside palace garden.

"I think you're doing it wrong lad. You murdered the entire royal family, inside the palace. No one knows your strength."

It was hard to cope with the new Niall, as I stared in shock, he was a reminder that I took all kindness and goodness out of him. This is the Niall we had and this is all I had left of him.

"Your suggesting?"

"That you set an example as we close in on them. Kill people in the main roads. Strangle people with your powers, show them what you can do."

I nodded, knowing it would probably help my ego in the country. I walked out of the palace to the main roads, where semi-chaos was erupting. I strangled 10 people, hoping it was enough to start a riot of fear.

My reign started in that moment.

In that moment, the world was..


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The end?

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