Chapter 2

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Rosies pov.

I ran as fast as I could to Perries car. Running towards it, I could literally hear music blaring from the inside. I rush into the car, sobbing my heart out when a noise catches my attention. A... a moan?

Slightly turning my head I scream bloody murder until both of them look at me with their mouths wide open. Perrie and Zayn fully naked, thrusting in love. I sob harder, running from the car in both disgust and hate.

Perrie had once told me she was waiting for whoever she was going to marry. That, in my eyes, was a sin that was of the girl code. It was disgusting that she would do that, but rude that she would leave her friend alone in a bar with no supervision to make sure she did nothing wrong.

Zayn screams for me, wearing only shorts, chasing me. I was running down the street as fast as my legs could take me, wanting to get away from both of them. Zayn promised me he would never make me feel like a third wheel. Just now, I've come to realize I've always been a third wheel.

"Rosie! Fuck Rosie, please wait!"

Zayn screams at me, soon becoming hot on my heels. My mind was racing by now, not knowing where I was or where to go. My mind was telling me I was useless to the point my friends would leave me, but my feet were still screaming run.  I was about to trip and fall when I felt strong arms wrap around my waist, keeping my face from the floor.

"You run so fucking fast Rosie."

Zayn pants from running so hard, and my chest tightens, both from lack of air, and aching for love. Zayn wasn't even dating Perrie till last year, and until then we were super close. He was my brother, my secret crush. I couldn't help the fact I spend every waking moment with him until he dated Perrie. He was the closest thing to love she gotten to.

"Leave me the hell alone Zayn! You mother fucker, get off!"

I struggled to fight his grip, something that was tighter than wanted. He was strong, a boxer, martial artist, and a fighter. I couldn't break his grip, I was to weak. He pulled me into an unwanted hug, giving me a look when I didn't hug back.

"Let me explain-"

I cut him off. I was tired of being invisible to everyone, especially him, my supposive best guy friend. Perrie broke the girl code, fucking her boyfriend, leaving me alone. Sisters before misters, she would say, now its misters before sisters to her.

"I want nothing to do with you Zayn! I'm not a third fucking wheel? Then explain why I was left alone, in a bar, while you two decided to make out if her fucking car! I almost got kissed Zayn!"

"Lighten the fuck up then!"

Tears started streaming down my eyes at his harsh words. I was always uptight when it came to certain things, especially school and boys. I was soft though. Any rude words directed to me, I believed. Anything mean said to me, I felt like it was a bullet to the heart.

Zayn stared at me in utter shock, most likely confused with the fact he just yelled at his best friend in a rude and harsh manner. He went to wipe my tears, but Perrie was heard yelling in a distance, trying to find Zayn.

"Go fuck your girlfriend Zayn. I'm sure shes upset you didn't let her cum because you ran off after someone as unwanted as me."

I stormed off, not bothering to look back. Still unsure of my surroundings, I continued to walk back in the general direction of the pub so that I could find a place to stay or call a cab.

I was sobbing as I walked, unsure of what to do with myself. I knew I just lost my two best friends, I was sure of it. I barely wanted anything to do with them anymore since one never came without the other. It was annoying, something that made my blood boil. Could I not talk to Zayn without Perrie standing there? Could I not have a girls day without Zayn following behind us?

"Are you okay love?"

I jumped a good three feet in the air when someones hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned around, bewilderment in my eyes from the mini heart attack that went through my systems seconds ago.

Glancing at the features of the person, I seemed completely familiarized by them. Brown curls hair, green eyes, strong muscles, tall... The guy that saved me from Dylan! Relief hit me like a tidal wave as soon as I knew who it was.

"Um... Yea... Thanks for saving me... At the pub, and all. My friends just kinda..."

"Ditched you?"

His voice was deep and held a heavy accent like Zayns. His eyes seemed warm and soft, like he was willing to hug you at any moment needed. I found comfort just in his eyes, something I rarely felt in anyone.

"Yea... I'm Rosie by the way. I believe you called me Avery at the pub."

His eyes slightly dilated, barely noticeable, except his eyes got slightly wider. He started stuttering, not able to find the words, or any words for that matter.

"Y-you look a lot like h-her..."

It was barely a whisperer, but audible. I wanted to force a smile, but it just faltered. I wasn't surprised that I look like someone, I a plain Jane. Blond hair, blue eyes, pale. Defines a lot of people in England if you ask me. I wasn't memorable to him most likely, and he was someone I wanted to be remembered by. Utterly attractive he is, sexy and mysterious really.


All I managed to say was a word. One single word, two letters, the sound of a sigh. All I should manage was yet another sound of defeat, something I was quite use to by now, but it always hurt. No matter what caused it.

"If you like, You can stay at my flat for the night? I'm completely sober and I can faintly smell alcohol on you."

He smiled, a quite genuine smile. His dimples stood out, the left one deeper than the right. His green eyes lit up in a bright type of way, his perfectly straight white teeth. I felt the need to smile, but when I did, it was weak. I have never been to a boys house except Zayns, and we were never in a situation ever uncomfortable.



Hey guys!

So proud the sequel is already almost 100 reads!

Yours is at 4.2k reads!

I love you all, you are all beautiful!

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