Chapter 1

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Rosies pov.

I wake up in the morning to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. It keeps getting louder and louder as I try to block it out. After my failed attempt to try and sleep a little longer, I push the off button on my alarm and walk into the bathroom. The usual brightness in my blue eyes is replaced with dull, faded blue, my long blond hair in a messy bun.

I cant help but smile weakly at myself, I feel pretty when look at myself now that I stopped self harming.

I brush my teeth, brush through my hair, wincing in pain as I get to a knot. It is the outcome of the messy bun and easily tangled hair being put together. My hair, being so long, made it hard to handle it.

The need to pee is over whelming as I try and finish my hair, soon causing me to stop mid-brush and pee. Afterwards, I finish my hair and I apply light makeup, a dash of blush and mascara followed by skin color eye shadow. My hair is straightened and bangs pinned back by a small clip with flowers in it.

Checking the time, I note that I still have a half hour before my ride gets here. I throw on my fancy navy blue dress, stopping mid-thigh and a top layer of flowered lace. Navy blue flats are worn on my feet, comfortable in every way. The blue in my eyes sparkle when I wear the dress, making me feel like a princess. With no prince might I add.

I walk downstairs where my parents sit around our table, smiles plastered on their faces. Pride shone in their eyes, the thought their only daughter was going to be graduating today as the best student in Uni making their smiles real for once.

I sit next to my father who sits at the head of the table and smile back at them, noticing my graduation gown and cap are hanging on the chair next to me. Realization hits me and my smile falters, for once in my life I'm nervous. I was going to graduate and have to give a speech about my graduating class, and classes.

My mother, reading my thoughts practically, places her small warm hand on top of mine in a comforting way. I release the tension I had at her touch, but the nerves in my stomach never leave. My mother puts a yogurt with granola in front of me, pestering me to eat, which I oblige to.

I slowly eat, knowing my ride would be here soon. I here a beep of a horn and grin. Kissing both my parents cheeks I rush out the door with my cap and gown, and bag of clothes to change into. I run to my ride, bursting through the door and hugging my best friend Perrie Louise Edwards who sits in the drivers seat.


She yells into my ear, a reminder that she never stops yelling. Her piercings and tattoos help make herself a character all her own. My mother loved her the moment she opened her mouth. My father, not accepting her at first, came around eventually.

She had white hair, purple highlights, heavy makeup. Her blue eyes dull but full of life. Her foul mouth made me laugh all the time. Her father and step-mother tended to scowl at her for it, but she didn't mind them at all. She loved her brother and step-sister dearly, but didnt see them much due to Uni.

Pulling out of her arms, I put on my best fake smile mixed with a real smile, and greeted Perrie. She smiled back, giving me a warm look.

"I'm so nervous Perrie! My parents aren't helping either!"

I fake sob in her arms, small giggles coming from my mouth. Perrie pats my head in a laughing matter, but little does she know, I really am nervous. To her I'm independent and confident, something she admires. Little does she know underneath all that, lies a small pocket of fear and nervousness.

"Honey, you'll do great. Everyone at Uni practically loves you. Anyone who doesn't, well, they have their heads up their asses and don't deserve to stand next to you."

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