Chapter 6

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Zayns pov.

Waking up in Rosies bed was both odd, and made me slightly nervous. What happened?

The memories came like a flood, crowding my brain with the horrid vision of Rosie becoming so powerful and angry she was able to knock me unconsious.

My head and face hurt and as I walked through Rosies house, I glanced at pictures of Rosie, me and Perrie, all friends and happy. Although I knew they were fake memories, I remember them. Sometimes I could even forget I am a demon and think the false memories are the real ones.

Frowning at my phone I notice multiple texts from Perrie and a few hundred missed calls from Harry, obviously Rosie went to Harrys after her emotional break down or Harry wouldnt have called me so many damn times.

Calling Perrie I felt guilty for trying to tell Rose I love her when I don't. Not like she would tell Perrie anyways, she hated both our guts now.


Perries sweet voice sounded numd today, like someone made her cry multiple times and she just is plain depressed now.

I could hear faint noises in the background of the house I was in. This was Rosies private home, who could be here besides her or Harry?

"Hold on a sec, love."

I place the phone in my pocket and hover silently through the house, stopping dead when I see Niall of all people, smiling at a picture Rosie had hung earlier this year. He was smiling and crying at the same time, so I decided not to ruin his moment just yet.

Coughing a few seconds later, Niall dropped the picture but I was able to hold a mental grip on it until he was able to grab it again. Non demons are so easily frightened, it kind of fun to mess with him sometimes.

"Oh, hi Zayn... I just miss her so much. Avery... I mean, Rosie was everything I had left and now she doesnt even remember me..."

Being the emotional Irish lad he is, he started crying again, making my heart wrench in pain for him. He misses his cousin so much, and he cant even hold it in anymore. None of us could hold it in much longer, which was something sad.

We were all connected to Avery in a way we didnt know possible. Everyone loved her in some way, shape, or form. And soon, we were going to get the old Avery back, not the memory erased Rosie who everyone didnt see.

Rosies pov


I was laying in bed next to Harry, his head ontop of mine. I woke up by our two kids jumping on our bed. Harry woke up, grabbing both our children and hugging them. Harley and Kelvin laughed hysterically as Harry tickled them.

"Mommy, mommy, happy birthday!"

Both our children hugged me, giving me kisses on the cheek. They each ran out of the room, runninging back in with two presents.I laughed and took ghe presents, kissing both their foreheads. I opened both their gifts, receaving a pair of bird earings and a necklace with Harley and Kelvins names on it.

"Aww thank you both. I love you both so much."

They ran out of the room again, waiting for Harry to go make us all some breakfast like any other day. I smiled at him, pecking his cheeks.

"Thank you Haz. I love you so much."

Harry took my face in his hands, taking my lips to his. It was full of passion, no lust. Loving and caring. He was sweet and kind, never hurting me.

"I'm so happy to call you my wife. My lover forever. To have and to hold, and Avery Styles, I will never let you go."

Harry went downstairs, carrying me in his arms. Both Harley and Kelvin were waiting patiently at the kitchen table. Harry walked pass them, kissing the top of their heads. I watched as Harry made bacon and eggs, handing me plates and silverware. I set the table for breakfast, sitting across from the kids. Harry served us, smiling at everyone with kind eyes.

A knock on the door caused me to get up. There was Nico and Journey, standing with gifts and smiles, with their kid Johanna.

"Aunt Avery!"

Johanna yells befoe hugging me, giving me a smile and a  laugh, her brown hair just like Journey. Kelvin had Harrys hair. The children ate and went off to play, the adults eating and talking, enjoying the wonderful like away from harm.

***End of Dream***

Waking up with short breath and a pain in the back of my head, I rubbed my shoulders and neck until I caught my breath. I tried to let the dream pass as some weird mind game.

Harry called me Avery at the pub, but the girl in the dream looked exactly like me. Mentally stressing over it, I crawled out of bed towards the same heavenly smell I had smelt before in this house.

Leaning against the door frame again, I listened to Harry singing, his deep, angelic voice booming through the room in a slow, yet tempoed speed.

If we could only have this life for one more day

If we could only turn back time

You know I'll be

Your life, your voice your reason to be

My love, my heart

Is breathing for this

Moment in time

I'll find the words to say

Before you leave me today

Fancying the sound of his voice, I stood there until he turned around and exposed his full torso to me, abs, v-line, sharp collar bones, and various tattoos, I had yet to notice until now.

"Harry, can I ask you something?"

He hummed as a respond, turning back to the food.

"Who's Avery?"

Hey emotional cookies!

Decided to double update despite my thoughts to delete this book.

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I love you all :)

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