Chapter 18

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Rosie's POV.

I walked on the plane with Harry, hand in hand. we never let go of each other for we were both happy and nervous the other was lying about their feelings. I couldn't stop tell Harry I loved him because of how much I really did love him.

"Baby, what are you thinking about?"

Harry's lips brushed past my ear, sending tingles up and down my spine.

"How much I am totally in love with you."

He laughed, kissing my neck as he chuckled, the feeling utter pleasure. I had to tell him to stop because we were in a airport gate, waiting to board.

"Sorry, but I love you so much I can't restrain myself sometimes."

I giggled, resting my head onto his shoulder. He put his head on top of mine and took my hand into his, intertwining our fingers.

"Never let me go Harry."

I whispered, staring at the diamond ring now bestowing its beauty on my left ring finger. It was gorgeous, absolutely beautiful. How Harry paid for it, I will never know.

"Never in a million years."

I smiled, Harrys breathing growing as I played with his hand, admiring all his tattoos. He was absolutely astounding, breathtaking in all his glory.

"Flight C-11 to Key West Florida, now boarding."

Harry stood up, reaching for my bags. I picked up my carry on and Harry grabbed my purse and his carry on. We boarded the international plane and walked on. Harry stopped me and pushed me into one of the first class seats.

"We have first class?"

I was astounded. I always love planes, but first class was a luxury only the rich could afford. It was truly amazing Harry would do something like that for me.

"Only the best for you love."

He winked at me and I couldn't help but fall in love with him all over again. How much he loved me was truly and utterly amazing and hard to grasp at times. Nothing could be better, and nothing could wreck my love for him.

We were waiting for the plane to take off when Perrie and Zayn took the seat a few rows behind us. We waved, smiling and laughing, making funny faces and giggling in pure delight.

We took off, Harry holding my hand and making both our seatblets as tight as he found necessary. I admired his concern.

"I think we will be okay Harry, the plane is in the sky for goodness sakes."

Harry let go of my hand, unbuckled his seat belt and then made it looser, me doing the same. Harry faced me like a little kid and stared at me with his gorgeous green orbs.

"Tell me something secretive about yourself."

I blushed, not even I knew much about myself. I was a closed book with few things to say and not many pages.

"Well, when I was younger, I had bad dreams, and they didn't start until I was 20 so about 5 years ago. I was in love with Johnny Cash for a few years, and I've always had issues with how I looked, but when I met you, none of that mattered."

Harry stared at me, his thumb grazing over my knuckles. 

"I didn't know you didn't like your body. Personally, I love the way you look, your gorgeous. Just want you to know its okay to be who you are."

I didn't understand his words, but decided to let it go and fall asleep.


I woke up to Harry nudging my arm and smiling at me.

"We are landing baby, from there we have a boat ride to the island and we will be home."

I nodded, still happy for us and tired fro. lack of sleep. I groggily exited the plane and followed Harry to a boat along with everyone us.

"Tired love? You should have gotten enough sleep on a 12 hour flight."

Lou walked past me and held my hand,  bouncing happily. I groaned and playfully hit him, making him scream.


I laughed at him and grabbed Harry's hand, keeping both of them close to me. Louis turned into a big brother figure to me, and something tells me he was okay with it.

Perrie walked with Zayn once we got to the island along with Eleanor and Lou.

Me and Harry walked away from everyone, enjoying more alone time with each other. I was still tired from jet lag, so Harry carried me on his back for a few minutes.

The rest of the boys took Harley to the house and our bags. Eventually I hopped off Harrys back and he strolled with me down the beach, hand in hand.

"I'm enjoy the whole engagement thing. So whens the wedding bride to be?"

I laughed, nervous that he might want to wait to get married. I want to give my all to him, be with him forever. I wanted it sooner rather than later.

"maybe, in a few months?"

Harry smiled, obviously happy with the idea. We were enjoying our peaceful moment when Harry's phone rung.

"I'll be there soon."

Harry gave me a slim look, clearly upset with whoever was on the phone.

"The boys broke something so I'll be right back. I don't want you to see the house without me showing you it."

He smiled, hugging me tightly. He was all I needed but he deserved time away from me. He deserved a little bit of his life without me.

I smiled, trying not to show how upset I was, but let him go. He needed time with his friends and I needed some time alone for a little.

I kissed him goodbye and watched as he jogged back to the house leaving me next to the blue ocean, and a bottle of emotions.


All chapters have been changed so if you have been confused, THAT'S WHY!!!


I love you all, you are beautiful :)


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