Chapter 28

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Rosies pov.

I didn't know what to think at first. Kill Harry, Kill everyone, kill just the boys.

Everything in my mind was fuzzy, but slowly was becoming clear. Two different people floated in my mind, Rosie and Avery. The choice to sit back and think about it wasn't an option.


I screamed throughout the house, causing everyone to cover their ears. Harry put a hand over my mouth but I bit it, making him yell.

I tried to stand, but I was chained to the floor. Harry pounced on me, pinning my arms and legs to the floor. I tried to fight him, but when I stared into his eyes, I stopped. He was crying, bawling really.

"I didn't want to change you..."

He stared at me sadness engulfing his face in such a way, I forgave him in a moments notice. I couldn't push away the love I felt for him over the past year.

"Harry, why would you do this to me? I thought you loved me?"

"I do love you..."

"Doesn't seem like it Harry. You turned me into a demon Harry..."

"I saved your life!"

Harrys fist connected with the concrete next to my face, inches from breaking my face. I was horrified, fighting as hard as I could against the chains that held me down.

"Harry please... I still love you... Don't hurt me again..."

Harry got up, clearly pissed. The boys formed a wall around me as Harry broke everything in the room.

"How can you say that? How is it that you can remember everything and still love a monster?! What is worng with you?!"

Harry used his powers to mentaly choke everyone in the room, slowly killing everyone. We may be demons, but we still need to breath. We weren't much different from humans except powers and immortality.

"H-harry... Stop-p i-it..."

"No! You know what?! I'm stripping all of you from your powers. Each and everyone of you."

Harry was killing us, including me. He knew if he got to crazy, we would take him down, but he was powerful beyond our wildest dreams.

"One more time, I've had to do it.

Make sure no one except me, can give it back.

Make sure no one but me can take it away.

And with my powers, I retrack

and gain and put them at bay."

I felt strenght pull from the inside of me out. Harry was draining all powers we had, taking everything we had to defend us. And in doing that, Harry was becoming more powerful.

Harry Styles had snapped.

"Harry please... Please..."


Harry fought over the urge to let u go, blocking us out. He continued to put a spell on us, draining everything we had other than our immortality. I felt everything slowly die inside, and I know the boys felt worse because they had more power than me.

"Harry... M-mate you-ur me-essing up..."

"Louis I don't care!

I felt his death grip loosen slightly. Everyone felt it too, if you keep talking he looses focus and lets us go.

"I.. Know you s-still lo-ove me Harry..."

I coughed out, trying hard to fight against him, making him let us go, but it was too late. I felt him throw us all to the floor, everyone gasping for air.

"Now, I fight you all and erase every memory you have. I am done hiding who I am, and I am tired of everyone thinking badly about me-"

"Harry..." I tried to stop his rampage but he kicked me in the side.

"And I with you! You will love me so much that no matter how badly I hurt you, you will never leave me."

"Harry you are way over your head mate."

Harry went over to Liam and grabbed his throat, throwing him across the room.

"And you all will be so close to me, you will never been able to leave as my servants."

Harry had snapped completely. He was losing it and no one could stop him. I had no powers, Louis didn't, Liam, Zayn, and Niall didn't we were powerless against him.

Harry started chanting as the boys slowly got up, trying to fight him and stop him. I was crying, begging them no to hurt him and praying Harry would stop. Nothing was right, nothing was good. What would Avery do...?

I stood up, pushing through all the boys, bawling my hands into fists.

"You, fight me? Ha."

I threw a punch, connecting with Harry's jaw, making him stutter back. He clenched his jaw, madder than before. I stepped forward, kicking Harry square in the hips, making him fall. I pinned him down but his legs pushed me over his head, landing me on my back. We fought, the boys all circling us.

I stopped when Harry mentally grabbed all of us by the throats again, obviously madder than before.

"I am tired of this. You all act like Denise. Playing me, using me. I remember why I changed you all. Zayn, your were changed as a punishment. Louis, you begged em to let you change forever. Liam, you wanted to study science forever, begged me to change you. Niall, you allowed a lost soul into your body, thinking it was your grandmother. And Rosie... You were changed as a punishment, like Zayn."

Denise? Punishment? What is going on into this boys head?

"Even Alice! Was about to be changeed, and had Charlie shoot her before I got the chance. Punishment for you because you look like her. Punishment for all of you for being liars!"

No one could talk, because his grip was so tight, even I was loosing vision. Black dots danced around my vision, as I blakced out all I heard was Harrys chant.

"After this cruel is seen and said

erase these thoughts

from their heart and heads.

... I love you Rosie, but you wont remember that."

Hey guys!!!!

Um, Denise? Alice? Hmmm...

I love you all, despite the fact this book sucks and no one reads it.

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