Chapter 17

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Harrys pov.

After three long months of working as hard as I possibly could, I managed to make Rosie love me.

In other words, my plan worked.

It was evil, and deciteful, and cruel, but I did what I had to do. Everything was based on how she felt about me before the memory change.

We were walking towards the car when she stopped me, placing her small hadn on to my chest, a smile on her lips.

"I love you."

She whisphere before kissing me once more. The thing about how she was treating me was that, I knew she was telling the truth. She really loved me with all of her heart.

"I love you too baby."

"Run away with me then. Move to the other side of England with me and all my friends. Better yet, lets move to an island in the medditerranean. Lets just live together forever."

I couldn't help but laugh at how serious she seemed. I wanted this, alll of this. And no matter how bad this was, I didn't regret one part of it.

"Fine. Let's move away. Lets bring the boys and Eleanor and Perrie and Journey and Harley. Please Rosie. I love you so much and don't want to live a life away from you. Sure, everything moved fast, but don't tell me nothing seems right to you."

She smiled, hugging me around my neck and kissing my cheek. I knew I had just won. I won everything and anything that was to come. She was in so deep, and so was I.

"Everything is right Harry. Lets go away from all things except our friends. Let's just do it."

I picked her up by her waist, lifting her up in front of me and kissing her. I had full control of her, and for once, I didn't want to use it against her. Not just yet.

"I want everything between us to be out of love. Not just silly little puppy love. I love you so much Rosie. From the moon and back. I just want you to hear me out when I say this."

I placed her down, making her give me a weird look. She looked confused and upset. She thought I was going to say something bad.

"My uncle owns a mansion in the Carribean. We were thinking of going there for the fall and even some of the winter. Would you like for us to go and maybe, think about staying there?"

She relased her angry face, a smile reappearing. She was happy, just like I wanted her to be. She was full of joy and happiness, and love.

She walked to the car and got in, making me smile at the way her hips swayed, on purpose.

"Something tells me it's going to be as yes."

*5 months later*

Rosies pov.

We were leaving for the island around 7 in the morning, so Perrie decided to wake me up at 4.

"Harry's not going to wait forever!"

I chucked a pillow at her. She caught it and threw it right back, smashing me in the head. I fell over and landed on my side, Perrie laughing so hard she had to sit down.

"Perrie! I'm tired!"

I whined at her as she marched me to the bathroom and turned on the shower, making it the perfect temperature and pressure.

"Well, sleep on the plane."

She rid me of my clothes and pushed me into the shower. I was groogy and sleepy to the extent I almost fell asleep in the shower if Perrie didn't bang on the glass door.

"Rosie! Let's GO!"

I woke up more and finished my shower, walking out to a towel beign wrapped around me like I was a five year old.

"Perrie, I am capable of dressing myself."

She laughed, finishing with me and brushing my hair. She was like an older sister I never had but always wanted. She was so loving and once had a sister who died when she was seven.

"Your hair is so long now. All the way to you bum."

I laughed and stared at myself in the mirror. I was beautiful now, well at least to myself. I didn't need anyone other than Harry.

I walked down stairs adn gasped at what I saw.

Harry. Down on one knee with a diamond ring in hand and a smile on his lips.


I smiled at him, walking closer and closer and he stood up from where he was kneeling.

"Will you marry me?"

I hugged him, breathing in his sweet smell. I was waiting for this for eight months.


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