Chapter 9

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Harrys pov.

 Rosie finally fell asleep after a few hours of cuddling. I have to admit, I was already feeling the need to fuck her on the spot.


Sitting on the edge of the bed staring at her made me want to cuddle up with her and kiss her over and over and over. I missed her. Four years of her with Zayn and not with me... It made me go insane.

My phone starting buzzing in my pocket so I walked into the living room to answer it. Checking it, I groaned and clicked the answer button.


His voice was quiet and his breathing was vague.

"Harry... I swear to god I didnt know she was in love with me."

I thought he was playing a joke with me so I started laughing, but when I didn't hear his laughter, I realized he was being serious.


Avery must have been out cold because she didnt wake up, or at least she didnt come downstairs. Trying to hold in my anger, I threw my phone and walked out of the house, slamming the door. Speed running down to the 'Luckys' pub, I grabbed random drinks.

Throwing disgusted glares at every girl that walked by, I happened to notice a small girl with a tall boy standing in the corner. He was throwing himself all over her and she was most definitely no enjoying it.

Kinda like how I found Rosie when Zayn ditched her.

I sat back, watching him fight restlessly against her, pounding her to the wall. Not talking it anymore I speed run to the guy and throw him across the room, giving a smirk to the girl.

I loved being in control again.

Leading the girl away, she stared at me with dreamy eyes, staring into my back. gripping her hair I throw her head into my car door, knocking her out.

Throwing her into the back of my car I spit on the ground, feeling my inner demon fighting to come out after four years of being locked up. I was wasting time an energy on some useless girl, but I need something to take my anger out on.

My half drunk mind wasn't thinking as I walked into the abandon house in the middle of the woods, locking the door and tying the girl to a chair.

Sitting by her, waiting for her to wake up took hours. I grew so impatient I cut her clothes of with a blade, cutting her hair in a more fashionable way in my opinion. As soon as her eyes opened, they grew wide with fear.

"It's okay slut, just gonna have some fun."

I barely heard the words as I walked away but I knew I heard them.

Not again. Oh god, please not again.

Freaking out, I rushed to her side, combing my fingers through her hair, making her flinch her head back a bit.

"Tell me, one thing and I'll set you free."

Her eyes grew again in both confusion and fright. Nodding her head I took her one hand, trying to comfort her while I set my inner demon aside. I felt pity towards women who were hurt by someone other than me. I had a reason, there was a fucking demon inside me who took control  over my body sometimes. Others didnt have that problem.

"Who hurt you before? I just need a name and I will get you some clothes and drive you home."

She sighed, breathing in quickly and holding her breath. She was quite beautiful, long blonde hair, gray eyes, pink lips. Hazel color skin that looked like melted crayon from the sun.

"Niall Horan."

Rosies pov.

Waking up in Harrys house was enough to send me into a frenzy. I was struggling for air when I realized that Harry wasn't here and no one could help me if a killer broke into the house.

I decided to walk to the small shop at the corner with a 5 I found under Harrys couch. I knew snooping was wrong but hey, my vagina doesn't work around my schedule.

Walking into the store I quickly gathered my women needs and set them in front of a girl at the cash register. Sketching a mental picture in my head of her, she looked so familiar...


The girl jerked her head up and gave me a mouth open look. She ran around to me and hugged me so tight I felt like falling unconscious. I don't know how I knew the name, it just kinda came to me.

"Oh my gods, four years without you was torture! Thank god your back!"

She let go of me and inspected all of me, expecting me to make some type of conversation with her.

"Yo, Jim! I quit!"

Me and Journey walked around, Journey clearly remembering me, but I couldn't remember her at all.

"Sorry, but, I can't remember you at all. How do you know me?"

Journey stared at me as though she just committed a crime. She let her mouth hang open before she stomped to Harry's house.

Once we got back into the flat Journey crashed on the couch as I went to go do my business. Coming out shifting my pants, I sat on the chair across from her.

"Look, Rosie, you are probably confused as fuck, but the last four years of your life were real. There are probably bits and pieces missing, but it will all come soon. Do you need me to help you with understanding any of it?"

Glazed eyes is what I had. I was wayyyy too confused already. First of all, who was she? Second of all, where's Harry? Third, how did she know where Harry lived?

She sucked in a breath and gave me a warm smile. She gave me a face I knew all to well, her sad face. She was sad I couldn't remember.

"We will figure it out, but first of all, do you like Harry?"

Standing up I walked to the picture frames on the wall, staring at the happy Harry. I couldn't help but smile.

"Yes. We are close I guess you could say, but that doesn't answer my question. Who are you?"

Crushing my happy mood was Harry covered in blood bursting through the door before passing out, giving me a small smile.

Soooooo Sorry for the long wait!

OMG im soooo sorry!

Well my hungry cupcakes, I will try to update Friday for you all :)

I love you, you are beautiful!

Thoughts on Journey coming back? The Niall the raper coming into the scene?

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