Chapter 21

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Rosie's pov.

I stared at the boy with blond hair and chained to the floor.


I cocked my head to the side. Obviously he was agrivated because his hands would constantly clench and his body would shift every few seconds.

"Um.. No my name is Rosie?"

He pulled at the chains with such force, I thought they would break, but they held still.

"No. No, no. You're name is Avery and you are my cousin. Harry's lying, your my cousin. I'm your cousin Niall."

He seemed so much like a psyhcopath, I slowly backed away until he barked at me with a demanding voice.

"Don't move away from me! I'm telling the truth."

I continued walking back until he spoke again, quietly, where I almost didn't catch it.

"You just have to break the vase and you'd know..."

I walked closer, pushing my ear out so I could hear better. I was almost a foot away when he said it again.

"All you have to do is break that vase and you'll remember everything. You'll remember I'm your protective cousin Niall, and Harry is a demon, and you have a family. Break the vase."

I searched for a vase, but I just couldn't find one. Niall became more and more agrivated by the second. I was about to give up when I heard Harry's voice boom throughout the house.


Nialls eye darted in the direction of the stairs and back to me.

"Go and don't tell Harry you were down here. You'll come down every night though and talk to me okay? I get lonely when they leave me down here for so long."

I touched his face, kissing his sweat drenched face. He seemed crazy, but I felt horrible for him being locked up down here.

"I'll come down every night, and you can tell me about anything. If you are my cousin, we will have no problems getting along."

I smiled, and so did he. I rushed up the stairs, locking each lock before avoiding a fuming Harry standing in the kitchen. I walked up the stairs quietly and then walked down noisily so Harry thought I was up there.

"Harry are you okay?"

Harry caught sight of me and relaxed. He had originally been staring in the direction of the basement, clearly expecting me to come from there.

"Where were you baby, I was worried you had ran off."

I lazily wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest. He smelled like vanilla and peppermint.

"I was just wandering through some rooms silly. I love you too much to leave."

Harry smiled, picking me up by my legs and sitting me on the table. He attacked my lips within second, slipping his tounge into my mouth, taking dominance. I pulled on his curls, trying to deepen the kiss as much as possible.

Harry pulled back to breathe, resting his forehead on mine.

"Amazing, just think, we will be doing this tomorrow."

I gave him a puzzled look, staring into his deep green eyes. They were really gorgeous.

"Liam's planned your wedding along wiht Journey. It's tomorrow and Journey thinks she found the perfect dresses for you to try on in her room. Wanna go see what fits?"

I pushed him back a little, spriting to Journeys room on the third floor. The room was filled with racks of dressed, from casual to wedding styled dressed.

Journey came out of their bathroom and smiled.

"Looking for a dress Mrs.Styles?"

She giggled and helped me pick out a few beautiful dressed. I thought I would be to fat ot fit into a size 3, but it fit perfectly.

After the thrid dress, I finally found the perfect one.

It was white with lacey flowers exploding from the top and slidding to the bottem. The sleves were laced flowers that went up to the colar bone and ended in a V on my hands. It was beautiful.

I put it in the bag and had Journey hang it in her closet to make sure nothing happened to it.

It was 9:30 when we were done so I headed to me and Harrys room to find Harry already laying down. I climbed in next ot him and crawled ontop of him, straddling him.

"I can't believe I will be called Mrs. Styles tomorrow afternoon."

I kissed his lips, feeling Harrys hips grind on mine. I gasped and Harry darted his tounge into my mouth. I could feel how hard he was underneath me, ne was grinding into me so hard he moaned. I pulled at his curls, making him flip us over.  

He pulled away, moving next to me, leaving me breathless.

"Tomorrow, we go all the way, because I just can't hold back anymore."

I kissed him goodnight and waited for him to drift off to sleep before sneaking downstairs so Niall.

He was in pure agony when I went down there, so I brought him some water this time. I made sure to make no noise and keep as swift as possible.

Walking down there, I noticed someone else was down there talking to him, so I hid underneath the stairs.

It was Zayn.

"Niall, you can not fight it. Let the demon inside you out. It will tear you to peices if you don't. I wont hydrate you if you don't. Another waterless night might make you compell to the demon."

Zayn stormed upstairs, not even glancing in my direction. I waited until I heard the doors lock and then hurried to Niall, opening the water bottle.

"Avery.. I mean, Rosie. Thank you."

I helped him drink the water until he had drank the entire thing. I couldn't process how Zayn could keep someone chained in the basement and not give the water. That was harsh.

"Niall, why are they keeping you here?"

I didn't understand at all what was wrong with him until he stared at me with blakc eyes, making me jump back.

"I'm a demon Rosie."

I ran up the stairs, unlocking everything and running back to me and Harry's room.

Demons aren't real I reminded myself.

Not real

Hey guys!

Thoughts on Demon Niall and Rosie almost finding out about Avery and Lily????

Love you guys, you are all beautiful,

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