Chapter 19

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Harrys pov

The boys had called me in the middle of me and Rosies walk, so I was beyond pissed. I held it together, just for her.

I jogged into the house to the basement, remembering the last time I was down here I showed Avery I was a demon and I eraser her memories. The last time I fought her, hit her, cursed her. The time I fought with my best friend over a girl.

"What's wrong mate?"

Zayns' voice filled my ears as I walked towards them. I grabbed his throat, staring into his brown eyes. I could feel my eyes turn black as I strangled him.

"Interupt me again with Rosie, and you are all done for."

I threw him to the ground, watching as all their eyes turned black with hate. I was never this rude towards my friends, but nevertheless, holding to much in sometimes causes issues.

"We know you want your love life with Rosei back, but we come firdt remember?"

Liam growled in the corner, hsi eyes showing as much hate as I felt. I mentally strangled all of them in the room, even poor Niall chained to the floor.

"Remember, whoever makes the rules changed them. Life first, work second. Unless I say otherwise, life comes first. Now, what do you want."

I released my grip on all off them, hearing their desperate gasps for air. I didn't remember beign this strong, but it felt good.

All the boys were glaring at me but didn't dare make a move. They all knew even with weak powers I could kill all of them easily.

 "Nialls one of us now."

Louis spat, glaring at me with the upmost disrespect. I brushed it off, thinking only about the task now in front of me.

I walked towards Niall, wondering why he looked so dead and relaxed when he was just changed into a human killing machine.

"Niall, can you hear me."

Nialls head jerked up fast, pure black eyes stared at me, a wild look on his face. He look more demented than younglings.

"You did this to me Harry... Why?! I'm suffering Harry!"

I felt no emotions, everything was cold. Everything was broken and harsh inside of me at the moment. I was so bipolar at the moment, nothing seemed to make sense to me.

"Niall, you had a lost soul inside of you, do you see her anywhere?"

Nialls eyes jolted around the room, widening as they got to the far corner.

"She's... Right there..."

I made my way over, comanding her soul shows itself. A shimmering light filled the room, everyone staring in awe as Lily Marie came into sight.

She was just as pale as when she died, wearing the same slutty clothes and crusted blood on the side of her head from where Avery shot her.

She looked down at herself, moving her hands in confusion before looking up at me and grinning wickedly.

"Harry. So happy you found me, but where is the bride to be? I would just love to give her all the truths about you Harry."

I grabbed her souls throat with my mind, pushing it in the back of my mind as I created a glass prizon out of a vase. It would only work for a few months, but by then Rosie would be mine and I wouldn't have to worry about it anymore.

"Harry! You- Can-t lock- me away-for-ever!"

Lily gasped for breath, coughing out words whenever she could.

I let her fall, keeping her inside a mental box so she couldn't leave, but she could talk.

"I'll bring your family back Harry. The things you saved only for them to die later and your soul already be given to Satan. Your evil Harry, but I can give back the one thing you loved."

I was baffled, completely and utterly confused. Within second Louis was by my side, helping with my mental box because it was becoming weak. The rest of the boys joined, knowing she just hit the worst nerve of them all.

"No... No I love Rosie. And my friends, and my daughter! Your wrong Lily, I don't love just one thing, and I am not evil. I love many things and I will not let you understand who I am! You shall not leave this prison until I say so!"

I raise her up and into the jar, locking it with power. She hit a soft spot, and I refused to let it go unpunished.

Louis patted my shoudler as I broke down in tears. The boys made  a gorup hug, surrounding me as I went through my stage of tears.

"I havn't changed at all... I'm evil and heartless... I can't do this, I'll mess it all up..."

I bawled as they tried their best to calm me down. I grabbed Louis shirt, clinging on it for comfort and confirmation he wasnt going anywhere.

"You'll be fine mate. Your wrong, you've changed. Your not evil and you love us and Rosie. Don't listen to that bitch."

I smiled at Lou, wiping a tear on my chin. I couldn't stop thinking about what I had done, what I have become, what I will do in the future.

"I'm sorry you guys... I love you all like brothers, you know that right?"

All of them smiled and nodded, making me smile back. I truely needed them, and they were always there for me.

I smiled, wiping my tear and walking up the stairs, making my way to where I left Rosie.

My love.

Hey Guys!

I love you all, please vote and comment!

You and beautiful :)

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