Chapter 5

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Harrys pov.

Watching Rosie leave was the hardest thing I had to do. I knew I treated her right the whole time she was here, plus I protected her, and made fucking breakfast.

Demons don’t make fucking breakfast often.

I was trying, trying so hard for her. I knew I had only some times left until she gained memories back, but I'm hoping I can make her love me before it happens. Its cruel and romantic at the same time when you think about it.

I called up Zayn to see how he was after last night, Rosie seemed shaken up about it last night so I was just checking he didn’t do anything wrong. Plus, I had to chew his ass off for leaving Rosie all alone.

Ring Ring.


Zayns upset voice greets my ears, unpleasantly. I want to explode on him right now, but I'm trying to be all around happy, for Rosie and Harley. It was complicated and a depressing story, much to long for details.

"What the hell happened last night Zayn?"

I sounded happier than I was. I knew half the story. Him and Perrie ditched Rosie in the middle of the night to go fuck in Perries car, while they should have been watching over Rose.

"Well, mate, it was all good…"

I was fighting the urge to scream into the phone all his mistakes on this mission, but I held it in. I still needed him to work this for me.

"Well, good. Not like Rosie was left alone in a bar with a guy trying to force his way into her pants. No, it was all good last night."

Zayn, knowing I was the strongest demon of us all, stayed silent. I was a wicked killer, murderer, and tormentor. He knew his punishments with me.

"Well, make sure it doesn’t happen again, or Perrie might not be someone pretty enough to even look at."

I spit into the phone before hanging up and chucking the phone across the room, making it break into millions of pieced as it hits the wall. Fury and anger are mixed into one as my eyes turn black and I float in the air.

I turn black like charcoal, my skin breaking with fire running through what use to be my veins. First time I've been fully demon in a long time, it actually hurt to transform.

 Things swirl around me and I throw multiple things into a wall, leaving huge holes in the wall. The wall finally collapses when I throw the couch into it. Calming my anger, I float back to the ground and use my powers to re-clean the room.

Finally happy when its spotless I hear a knock on the door and open it to see Rosie in tears at my doorstep, bawling her eyes out.

Rosies pov.

I get to my house and see Zayn, leaning against the garage door frame. I park and stomp in the house, hoping to beat him there and lock his ass outside.

Unfortunately, he is hot on my heels and follows me directly into my house, up to my room.

I sit on my bed and lay down, playing on my phone, trying to ignore his presence when he rips the phone from my hands. He places the device into his back pocket and watches me, to see if I try to get it back.

Grabbing my headphones and IPod, I start listening to "Something Bad" by Miranda Lambert before they are ripped from my ears in a hurry. Taking my IPod, Zayn places that as well in his back pocket. Not thinking, I try to fall asleep.

Zayn plays with my hair, earning a slap in the hand from me and my already grumpy self. He seems both upset and stressed, making me slightly happy.

"Rosie... I'm really, so, so sorry we left you..."

Saying nothing as a response he continued with a sigh and a huff, making it seem like I was being hard to cooperate with. I was just letting him speak before I exploded on him.

"Rosie... If you would have told me you felt like a third wheel often, or you hated all three of us being together 24/7... I... I just would have done everything differently and-"

I wasnt giving him a holy grace any longer, because I was furious. Maybe I was overreacting over something small to normal people, but I loved Zayn. I use both the word love very loosely though.


Storming out of the room in tears I didn't know what to do. I just crushed both of my best friends over something stupid to them but serious to me.

Before I even got to the stairs Zayn grabbed my arm and turned me around, hugging me. Weak and guilty, I just hugged him tightly and sobbed. I didn't notice he carried me back into my room until I looked up and noticed we were holding each other on my bed.

"Zayn... Leave me alone and don't talk to me again... We cant be friends..."

I was pulled back down and held against Zayns chest with no say in the matter. He was stronger than me so I had no strength to get up anyways. I was helpless in my own home.

Zayns piercing brown eyes boar into mine and held them in a lock unlike any other. His eyes glances to my lips before brushing his lips against my cheek.

"Perrie, I will always love you."

He quickly tried to cover up what he said, but I heard it all to clear. Using every muscle in my body and all the anger to fill my adrenaline, I pushed him off me punching his face multiple times until I was satisfied.

Once done, he was knocked out cold. I cried and cried for what felt like hours. I felt horrible. Everything in my life was being wrecked by myself.

Dressing myself in fresh clothes consisting of short shorts and a white tanktop, I set to my bathroom to try and fix smudges under my eyes.

Pressing my lips to Zayns forehead, then his cheek, then barely brushing his lips, I got off him and ran to my car, driving to an unknown location even to me.

I exploded, all to well might I add.

Zayn was everything to me, and I just beat him to pulp. Nevertheless, I was without friends yet again.

My life before now was always perfect, what happened?  Now, none of that existed at all. We disintegrated into thin air.

Pulling up to a small flat, I suddenly realized it was Harry's. Knowing we had a date tonight made me want to go back and try to forget all this, but I couldn't go back, and I somewhat trusted Harry, he was the closest thing to a friend I had right now.

I started to cry again when I picture me driving to Zayns whenever I was upset, now I was running to someone I barely knew. That just goes to show how messed up my life got just within a matter of two days.

Still sobbing I rushed to the front door in a awkward sprint and banged on the door with my tiny hands, trembling. After a few second Harry opened the door with a smile that melted immediately into a frown.


Hey guys!

So, my emotional cookies, I got the demon look from a dream I had about myself being a pretty badass demon, so I decided to put the look of the demon in the book!

I have noticed a lack in comments. I'm quite sorry If this book sucks, but I'm trying quite hard with no confidence boost from my reading audience.

Please vote and comment :)

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