Keith - Crash and Burn

Start from the beginning

His head slammed back again, a scream locked in his lips-

Teeth forced together over his tongue, the dry taste of copper flooding his mouth making him choke.

Keith could see the looming black crowding his vision, the way his body grew frighteningly heavier as the seconds ticked frighteningly past, and had the fleeting thought that this was really it. He'd really, truly die from this.

It- it hurt.


"Commander Volsprok, that will be quite enough."

A much louder groan slid from his lips as he fell, once again, limp in the restraints, breaths heavy, muscles jerking, his entire skeleton feeling like it had been dipped into boiling water then thrown into a freezer-

"High priestess."

Fighting against protesting muscles, Keith jerked his head up at the address that echoed in his ears, tired eyes widening when he caught sight of the hooded witch that now stood in the doorway of the interrogation room. Yellow eyes glowed brightly from under the shadow of the hood she wore, deep purple robes cover her hunched frame.

Flanked by two druids that remained out in the hall, she stepped further into the room, looking up at the taller Galra almost distastefully.

His interrogator slid to a salute, one fist over his chest, tone sounding much more neutral than it had been mere minutes before- "I have been torturing the red paladin under your orders, he has given no information to the whereabouts of Voltron, or the plans they hope to initiate in the near future to our mighty empire."

And he was sure as hell going to keep it that way.

From his position on the table, Keith could see the way the witch's lips upturned at the update, sending rampant shivers running down his spine that nothing to do with the electric aftereffects still running through his skin.

He'd never had the pleasure of meeting Zarkon's near-legendary shadow, but he'd heard enough midnight tales from Shiro to know she was one to be feared.

And judging by the way his stomach twisted uncomfortably, cool ice setting into his veins, it was safe to say he was fearing her.

He was in some real trouble now, wasn't he?

"Good, I'd expect nothing less from a paladin of Voltron."

Keith's lips drew to a frown, the witch still keeping her gaze locked firmly on the Galra in charge of the interrogation. The being himself seemed unsure of himself of how to continue after the unexpected and low voiced answer. Thankfully he didn't leave her waiting very long, "Might I suggest a different tactic to get the boy to begin answering to our questions?"

"No, there is no need to continue your interrogations, commander. It has become quite obvious that time will be our only ally in getting the boy to speak."

"Time?" He echoed with a rough chuckle, if Keith had been able to see the Galra's expression, he'd probably bet it was twisted into one of confusion, "With all due respect, with Voltron meeting us at nearly every turn we take, time is not on our side. We must break this halfbreed scum now before Voltron has a chance to reclaim-"

"What Voltron is up to is none of your concern, Commander Volsprok. To question my plans is to question Emperor Zarkon's leadership which therefore questions his reign over this mighty empire. I will advise you to fall into line before you are replaced with someone who understands their orders, is that understood?"

The being rose back into a salute, shoulders stiff, "Yes, High Priestess."

"Very good, now unbind the paladin."

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