Chapter 37

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Don't be a ghost reader :)


*2 weeks later*

I am currently helping Genevieve go through her carry to help her make sure that both her and Jonah have all that they need before we leave for the airport. However, with Genevieve's OCD, she has unpacked and repacked their carry on a few hundred times.

"Babe, you guys have everything and more that you could need," I say, trying to calm her nerves.

"But I feel like I'm forgetting something," She says as she scrambles through the bag again. "Also, what am I supposed to do about Jonah's presents?" She says, starting to stress even more.

"Gen, I say this in the nicest possible way, but you need to stop stressing out," I tell her knowing that she wants to continue establishing certain Christmas traditions with him. "I have already thought about all of that," I say sitting on the bed next to the carry-on bags. I grasp her hands gently in mine and pull her closer to me.

"But I don't want Jonah to think we forgot him for Christmas," Genevieve says, starting to explain her concerns to me. "He's at the prime age of starting to remember his Christmas's and I want to start making memories with him," she says slowly walking in-between my legs, closing the distance that once existed. "Lou, I just don't want him to think I'm not thinking about him. I know that kids care more about the experiences and their parents being present, I just don't –"

"Babe, I've already talked to Jonah about it," I say wrapping my arms around her waist. "He was excited to spend Christmas with us in Donny, and you can still have the same traditions with him, just in a different environment," I say trying my best to calm her anxious thoughts. "And, I'm excited to show you guys some of the Tomlinson holiday traditions," I say, leaning forward to kiss her.

"Oh yeah?" She asks, leaning forward as well. "What are some of these traditions?" She continues resting her forehead on mine, and I place a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Well, you'll just have to see for yourself," I say winking at her. I'm hoping that with this trip we'll be able to find Christmas traditions that we both like and be able to combine our traditions for Jonah, but I'm not going to reveal that to her quite yet.

"I just think you should tell me what to expect at the Tomlinson mansion," she says laughing nervously.

"First off, it's not a mansion. Second, you should expect a lot of questions from my mom and sister. It may seem like they are interrogating you, but I promise you they already love you and just want to get to know you." I say sweetly, knowing that I did not answer her question, but I'm hoping to catch her with the element of surprise.

"Lou," she says giving me a look that tells her she's serious. "Please Louis," she says begging me to reveal the Tomlinson holiday traditions to her.

"Love, please trust me," I say bringing my hands back to hers lifting them to my lips, lightly kissing the knuckles. "It's all about the experience, and I want you to observe, and maybe consider combining elements of our Christmas traditions," I say looking into her chocolate brown eyes. She looks back at me with a defeated look on her face, indicating that she has given up trying to get me to reveal the intimate details of our trip. I take this as an opportunity to pick up Jonah's carry-on bag, slinging it over my shoulder

I stand up and walk over to my Adidas duffle bag that I am using as my suitcase and carry on. Since we have to go through TSA, I placed all of my "suspicious" items in Genevieve's checked bag and used my checked bag to put some of Jonah's Christmas presents in it.

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