thirty seven.

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Before you could walk into the house, Jisung covered your eyes with one hand and opened the door for you with the other. He guided you through the house, which was surprisingly quiet, then he uncovered your eyes.


The boys had jumped up from behind their hiding places, throughout the living room and kitchen. There were balloons in the air, streamers, confetti, and many more decorations.

"What is this?" You laughed.

"Jisung told us to throw you a party-"

"Because the only day you had off, you were at a party when Changmin called you in." Hyunjin finished.

You looked at Jisung and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I can't believe you remembered that. Thank you, Ji, and thank you guys."

You walked over to them and gave everyone separate hugs. "We'll do anything for you, Y/N." Jeongin smiled.

"And, Y/N," Minho sighed. "I'm sorry for being so hard on you, I was just- scared. Scared for everyone's safety."

"I understand. If someone put my family in danger- Ki-Bum, you guys- I would be angry, too." You replied.

"I said a lot of things I shouldn't have."

"Yeah," you sighed. "But I don't hold grudges."

He smiled, then Chan handed you a small box. "We got this for you while you were out with Blade earlier."

You slowly opened it and smiled at the silver chain that had the word family on it. "And it has our names engraved on the back." Hyunjin added.

You turned it over, and sure enough, everyone's name was on the back. "Thank you guys, so much. This means a lot to me."

Jisung grabbed it out of your hands to clip it around your neck, and the way his fingertips brushed up against your skin made a warm feeling flow through your body; his touch felt like home.

"Okay," Chan clapped. "Let's celebrate!"

It was midnight by the time everyone had gotten into their own rooms after the small party, which was extremely fun. You told stories, even a bit of the stories that Blade had brought up at lunch, but you also told funny, heartwarming stories. The boys expressed how happy they were to have you around near the end of the celebration, and they even toasted to you, which put a genuine smile on your face.

You turned the warm water off and stepped out of the shower, the silence bringing goosebumps to your skin. It was like everyone was at peace knowing that the people who brought them pain were put away.

When you opened your bathroom door, you jumped at the sight of a silhouette on your bed. "It's just me." Jisung laughed.

You sighed and stepped out of the bathroom, going to your closet. "I thought you were asleep."

"No, I couldn't sleep."

You set your clothes on the bed, and he closed his eyes so you could get dressed. Once you were dressed, you sat next to him and ran your hand through his hair.

"How come?"

"Because of you." He whispered.

You tilted your head. "Me?"

He looked at you, his big eyes setting butterflies off in your stomach. "You're just so- amazing."

Your heart was pounding against your chest. "No, I'm not."

"But you are." He whispered. "You're intelligent, you're funny, you're independent, and you're beautiful, inside and out. Y/N, you're extraordinary."

You smiled. "But I'm dangerous, Jisung. I realized that after Minho told me many times, and he's right."

"You're a federal agent, it's hard for you to not be dangerous. People are constantly after you, and it affects everyone around you, regardless. Plus, Minho didn't mean it, and he told you that."

"Yeah, he did." You sighed. "But I don't want to stick around and get someone hurt again."

You grazed the cut on his lip and let your hand rest on his cheek. "You're not leaving, are you?" He asked.

"I think I need to, but it's not because I want to." You replied.

"You can't leave." He whispered. "Y/N, you mean so much to us, and we'll miss you."

"I'll miss you guys, and I'll come visit."

"You'd be too busy. Plus, visits aren't enough." He sighed. "Y/N, I need you."

Your eyes were starting to water. "You didn't need me before, you don't need me now."

He shook his head. "I didn't know you before. I know you now, and I know that I want to be with you, for a long time."

The room fell silent for a moment. "Be with me?"

"Yes, be with you. I want to be by your side when you need me, and I want to be able to hold you when I need to- I don't want to just be a case that you forget about in the next year." He said.

"You won't ever be a case I forget, Jisung," You paused. "Because I'm not leaving you, or anyone."

"Promise?" He pouted, holding his pinky out.

You chuckled and wrapped your pinky around his. "I promise. I will go back to my apartment, though, but I won't leave you guys."

He smiled and leaned in, so fast that he pushed you back onto the bed. As usual, his kiss was gentle, but it had a touch of something else in it that you couldn't exactly place. He placed another soft kiss onto your cheek when he leaned away, then he sat back up. You propped yourself up on your elbow and looked up at him.

"Is this why your name is the only one with a heart next to it on my necklace?" You smiled.

He smiled back. "Maybe."

You laughed and rested your head on his thigh. "You're the extraordinary one here, Ji."

"Why's that?"

"There doesn't have to be an exact reason, I just think you are." You told him. "And I'm lucky to have someone in my life like that- someone that I don't even have to think about why I like them so much, I just do."

"I'm glad you feel that way, because it's how I feel about you."


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