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Riku's fist flew by your face as you dodged it and hit him in the stomach. He stumbled back and charged forward, bending down and taking your legs out from underneath you before you could even think about a way to stop him. Your back made hard contact with the ground and you groaned in pain, which made Riku get off of you.

"Y/N, you're better than this. What's up?"

He helped you off the ground and you rubbed your back. "I'm just tired."

He gave you a look, but didn't push any further. He had been your personal trainer ever since you were seventeen, so he knew you pretty well.

"Let's go again." You said.

"Are you sure?"

You nodded as you stretched your arms. You took a deep breath in as he came towards you, attempting to take your feet out from under you again. You dropped and swung one of your legs into his calves, taking his legs out from under him. He dropped and you flipped him over so he was on his stomach, and you held his hands behind his back for a few seconds before getting up.

"That was good," Riku sighed. "Much better than the first time around."

You took a deep breath. "Thank you."

He dismissed you and you went to the showers. You rinsed and dried off, then you put your work clothes on; a black long sleeve shirt, dark blue blazer, black dress pants, and black shoes. You brushed out you hair and dried it slightly with the towel, going up to your boss' office afterwards.

"Good morning, Y/N."

"Morning, sir."

You sat in front of him and he eyed you curiously. "You look tired."

"I am."

"I told you to get some rest." He scolded.

"It's not like I'm doing it on purpose. I just can't sleep sometimes."

"I know," he shook his head. "It happens to the best of us."

You checked your watch and started to get up. "I'm gonna go. I'll call you when I get home."

He nodded. "Good luck, Agent."

The first thing you noticed when you walked into your department was the fact that Jisung wasn't in his spot.

"Good morning," you said. "Where's Jisung?"

"The manager came in here a couple minutes ago and pulled him out. He should be back soon." Daeun, one of the girls in the department, said.

You nodded in response and watched everyone carefully, until a few minutes later when you heard the glass door behind you slide open, and Jisung walked in.

"Someone got in trouble." Jeongwu teased.

He smiled and rolled his eyes playfully. "You wish. He was just telling me that I was doing good, is all."

You took in Jisung's body language. He walked with confidence, but a humble confidence, and he seemed like he didn't have anything to hide.

"What did you do before you decided to work here, Y/N?" Jiyeon asked.

"I've been a security guard for a while, but I was just at a different location," you told her. "What about you guys? What made you want to become programmers?"

"I wanted to be able to code for video games." Jeongwu answered truthfully.

Jiyeon spoke up again. "It's always a challenge."

"I like being able to debug my own computer." Eunjae said.

"It was something that my parents did," Daeun started. "So, I always found it really fascinating and wanted to do it myself."

Everyone looked at Jisung. "It makes me think, so I'm usually quick and reasonable with my decisions, and it makes everything a little bit easier."

You agreed with him, since you knew exactly what he was talking about. You learned how to program when you were in high school, so you had some experience under your belt.

"What made you want to become a security guard?" Eunjae asked.

"I like ensuring people's safety." You replied.

"All you do is keep watch," Jeongwu raised an eyebrow. "You're not protecting us."

You pursed your lips. "So, if you had a breakdown and pulled out the pocket knife that's in your sock, I wouldn't be able to protect you guys?"

His eyes went wide and he subconsciously pulled his pant leg down to cover up more of his sock. "How'd you know that?"

"If you're gonna be someone who ensures safety, you have to be an observer," you told him. "You always have to be ready. Also, your sock? Really?"

The boy sulked and turned away from you to go back to his work.

"Do they teach you how to do that in training?" Jisung asked. "Observe, I mean?"

You shrugged. "Yeah, but I've always been an observer, so it comes naturally. I've improved over the years, however."

"I bet you can basically read minds." Jeongwu squinted.

Daeun reached over and smacked the back of his head. "Don't be stupid, knife boy."

Jeongwu pouted and rubbed the back of his head, while you laughed to yourself and made sure to watch the door.

When you opened the door to your apartment, you were met with your big brother in the hallway.

"Ki-Bum!" You exclaimed.

He smiled and pulled you into a hug after you shut the front door. "Hi, Y/N."

"What are you doing here?" You pulled away and put your keys up. "I thought you weren't supposed to be back in town for a while."

"I had some free time and I chose to check up on you," he replied. "So, how are you?"

You took your blazer off and hung it on one of the chairs in the dining room, sitting down. "Busy and tired."

"You look tired. You never really get a break, huh?"

"No, not really. The one day I got off, I was called in before the night was even over," you sighed. "How are you, though?"

"I'm good. I've been busy, too, but I love what I do."

You nodded, and there was a comforting blanket of silence in the air. You looked over at your brother, noticing that he was looking at your arm.

"I miss her." You whispered.

"Me too," he sighed. "But at least she's watching over us now, keeping us safe."

You slowly got up from your seat. "I'm gonna go to bed. I'll make us some breakfast in the morning."

He nodded and gave you a gentle hug before you disappeared into your bedroom. You crawled into your sheets and closed your eyes, letting the comfort of your brothers stay lull you to sleep.



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